Pursuant to the Sunshine Act, and additional clarification issued by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) of the Department of Health & Human Services, applicable manufacturers of drugs, devices, biological, or medical supplies are required to report certain payments or transfers of value provided to an M.D., D.O., D.D.S, Podiatrist, Optometrist or Chiropractor with an active license in any state, including expenses related to interviews (flights, meals, hotel, area tours, etc.).
Expenses incurred during the interview process may be reported under the Federal Sunshine Act (and other State laws). These expenses will be reported 90 days after the end of the calendar year and published on CMS’s website at a later date. Your collected information will only be released on the public website if you are selected to interview and have expenses paid for or reimbursed to you by Abbott. Note the Massachusetts and Vermont laws cover more types of heath care professionals than the Sunshine Act and have differing reporting requirements.
Sipas njohurive te mija me te mira vertetoj se informacioni i dhene nga une eshte i sakte.
Jam dakord qe Abbott te perdore informacionet e mija personale te tilla si emri, adresa, eksperienca e punes, etj., ne kete faqe te internetit, per te vetmin qellim te kerkimit te punonjesve. Nese kerkesa ime eshte e sukseshme, te dhenat personale mund te perpunohen dhe te paraqiten ne dosjen time te punes.
Jam dakord te mbaj te dhenat e mija personale ne dosjen per oferta te tjera pune, dhe e kuptoj se kam te drejten te terheqe kete miratim mbi perpunimin e te dhenave te mija personale per qellimin e permendur me larte, duke perdorur funksionin e terheqjes ne kete faqe te internetit.
Per me teper, une jam dakord, nese eshte e nevojshme per te njejtin qellim te permendur me larte, qe Abbott te transferoj te dhenat e mija personale, neper njesite e biznesit te Abbott ne mbare boten, ne keshilltaret e tyre dhe palet e tjera te treta ne mbare boten qe ofrojne produkte dhe sherbime (te tilla si agjencite qe na ndihmojne ne perzgjedhjen dhe intervistimin e kandidateve potencial per pune, ofruesite e sistemeve te Teknologjise & Informacionit, ofruesine e kompensimeve dhe perfitimeve, etj.), si edhe organeve legjislative, nese kerkohet me ligj. Abbott do te kerkoje qe palet e treta te permendura me lare te perpunojne informacionin e marre ne perputhje me qellimin e tyre dhe kufizimet ne te cilat jane mbledhur te dhenat fillimisht.
Une e kuptoj kete deklarate dhe, me ane te dhenjes se te dhenave te mija personale dhe dergimin e tyre tek Abbott, une lirisht dhe vullnetarisht miratoj perpunimin e te dhenave te mija personale per qellimet e mesiperme.
On the best of my knowledge I certify that the information I gave is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal information such as name, address, work experience, etc., on this website only for the purpose of seeking employees. If my application is successful, the personal data may be processed and submitted in my work file.
I agree to keep my personal information in the file for other job offers, and I realize that I have the right to withdraw this consent with my personal data processing for above mentioned purpose by using the withdrawal feature on this website.
Furthermore, I agree, if necessary for the same purpose as mentioned above, that Abbott transfers my personal data, to the Abbott business units around the world, their advisors and other third parties around the world that they offer products and services (such as agencies that help us in selecting and interviewing potential candidates for the job, IT systems provider, the provider of compensation and benefits, etc), as well as legislative bodies, if required by law. Abbott will require that the above mentioned third parties process the received personal information in accordance with their purpose and limitations under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and, by way of giving my personal data and sending them to Abbott, I freely and willingly consent with the processing of my personal data for the above purposes.
Solicitamos leer cuidadosamente la siguiente POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD y Términos y Condiciones de Contratación de Abbott.
Ratifico que, a mi leal saber y entender, la información brindada por mí en esta postulación es exacta y entiendo que Abbott Laboratories Argentina S.A. (“Abbott”) se basará en ella para tomar una decisión respecto de mi postulación.
Acuerdo que Abbott, quien publica la vacante para la que estoy postulándome, podrá usar mis datos personales, tales como nombre, domicilio, antecedentes laborales, etc., recolectados en este sitio con fines de contratación únicamente y de acuerdo con esta política de privacidad. Si mi postulación fuera exitosa, mis datos personales podrán ser procesados a fin de incorporarlos a mi legajo profesional. En caso de haber brindado información personal sobre terceros, tales como personas de referencia, ratifico que cuento con su permiso para hacerlo.
Acuerdo que mis datos personales podrán ser conservados en los registros a fin de ser considerado para otra vacante laboral sujeto a las leyes locales y la política de privacidad local y de conformidad con ellas.
Asimismo acuerdo que mis datos personales podrán ser transferidos, de ser necesario para los fines antedichos, a afiliadas de Abbott en todo el mundo, inclusive en países cuyos requisitos de protección de datos puedan ser diferentes o menos restrictivos que en mi país de origen o región, incluyendo Estados Unidos, y a sus asesores y otros terceros proveedores de productos y servicios en todo el mundo (tales como agencias que asisten en la evaluación y entrevista de posibles empleados, proveedores de sistemas informáticos, prestadores de programas de salarios y beneficios, etc.) así a como autoridades regulatorias o según sea exigido por ley, no obstante lo cual Abbott garantizará que mis datos personales sean debidamente protegidos y asegurados de acuerdo con la Ley N° 25.326 de Argentina. Todos los receptores de la información deberán cumplir con las obligaciones de confidencialidad, y si dichos receptores fueran responsables de una base de datos, deberán estar inscriptos en el Registro Nacional de Bases de Datos.
Abbott exigirá contractualmente a los terceros antes descriptos que procesen mis datos personales de acuerdo con el propósito y dentro de los límites bajo los cuales fueron originariamente recolectados los datos de acuerdo con esta política de privacidad. Abbott no compartirá de otra forma mis datos personales a menos que así fuera requerido por las leyes o reglamentaciones.
Entiendo que de acuerdo con la legislación local que me resulta aplicable, mis datos personales serán almacenados en una base de datos de Abbott, con domicilio en Ingeniero E. Butty 240, Piso 12, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, y que podré contactarme en cualquier momento con Abbott para solicitar el ejercicio de mis derechos de corrección, eliminación o acceso a la información en su poder sobre mi persona enviando un correo electrónico a talentacquisition@abbott.com. Comprendo que si retiro mi postulación dejaré de ser considerado por Abbott.
La Dirección Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales (DNDP), en su carácter de órgano de aplicación de la Ley N° 25.326, tiene la atribución de atender las denuncias y reclamos que se interpongan con relación al incumplimiento de las normas sobre protección de datos personales.
Por el presente presto mi consentimiento para esta Política de Privacidad y Términos y Condiciones y [de ser aplicable] la política de privacidad local aplicable.
En caso de conflicto, serán de aplicación los términos de la política local. Comprendo que en caso de no aceptar estas políticas y términos, no estaré en condiciones de presentar mi postulación a Abbott.
Please carefully read the below Abbott’s PRIVACY POLICY and Terms and Conditions pertaining to Recruitment.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I have provided in this application is accurate and I understand that Abbott Laboratories Argentina S.A. (“Abbott”) will rely on it to make decisions about my application.
I agree that the Abbott posting the position that I am applying for Abbott may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only in accordance with this privacy policy. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file. If I have provided personal information about third parties such as referees, I confirm that I have their permission to do so.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings subject to and in accordance with local law and local privacy policy.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott affiliates around the world, including in countries where data protection requirements may be different or less restrictive than in my home country or region, including to the USA, and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law, but that Abbott will ensure that my personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with local law n. 25.326. All recipients of the information must comply with confidentiality obligations and, if recipients are responsible for a database, they must be registered in the National Register of Data Basis.
Abbott will contractually require that third parties described above will process my personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected in accordance with this privacy policy. Abbott will not otherwise share my personal data unless required by law or regulation.
I understand that in accordance with my local law, my personal data will be stored in a data base of Abbott, which has domicile in Ingeniero E. Butty 240, floor 12, City A. of Buenos Aires, and I can at any time approach Abbott to apply to exercise my rights of correction, deletion or access to the information held about me by sending an email to talentacquisition@abbott.com. I am aware that if I withdraw my application it will not be further considered by Abbott.
The NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA (NAPPD), Supervisory Body of Law Nº 25.326, has the authority to address complaints and claims filed in relation to the breach of personal data protection rules.
I hereby consent to this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and [if applicable] to my local privacy policy.
In the event of conflict, the terms of the local policy shall apply. I understand that if I do not agree to these policies and terms I should not submit my application to Abbott.
Im Folgenden finden Sie datenschutzrelevante Hinweise zu unserem Karriereportal. Wir bitten Sie, diese genau durchzulesen und verweisen insbesondere auf die in Punkt 6. enthaltene Zustimmungserklärung.
The following is privacy-related information about our career portal. We ask that you read them carefully and refer you to the six points contained in Statement of Privacy.
In addition, authorities in the case in access to your information where required by law. In all these cases, Abbott helps ensure that the above mentioned third parties to use the received personal data only in accordance with the stated purpose and the information released or disclosed data on the information remains limited, which have been entered by you.
By entering your applicant data into the Abbott Career Portal, you agree that, if necessary, Abbott GmbH in Austria and Abbott GmbH in Germany unsolicited information in electronic way of suitable job at Abbott. If you do not wish to receive such information or not, please contact Austria bewerbung.at@abbott.com and Germany mbewerbung.de@abbott.com. You can withdraw your application at any time by emailing mbewerbung.de@abbott.com.
Please carefully read the below Abbott’s PRIVACY POLICY and Terms and Conditions pertaining to Recruitment.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I have provided in this application is accurate and I understand that Abbott will rely on it to make decisions about my application.
I agree that the Abbott Company posting the position that I am applying for may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only in accordance with this privacy policy. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file. If I have provided personal information about third parties such as referees, I confirm that I have their permission to do so.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings subject to and in accordance with local law and local privacy policy.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott affiliates around the world, including to the USA and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law, but that Abbott will ensure that my personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with local law.
Abbott will contractually require that third parties described above will process my personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected in accordance with this privacy policy. Abbott will not otherwise share my personal data unless required by law or regulation.
I understand that in accordance with my local law, I can at any time approach Abbott to apply to exercise my rights of correction, deletion or access to the information held about me by sending an email to talentacquisition@abbott.com or via fax at 1-224-668-2562, or at 100 Abbott Park Rd, AP6B Floor 1, Abbott Park, IL 60064. I am aware that if I withdraw my application it will not be further considered by Abbott.
I understand this statement and I give permission to use the personal data I have provided for the purposes described above.
I hereby consent to this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and [if applicable] to my local privacy policy.
In the event of conflict, the terms of the local policy shall apply. I understand that if I do not agree to these policies and terms I should not submit my application to Abbott.
Potvrđujem da su, prema mom saznanju, podaci koje sam unio/unijela u ovu prijavu tačni.
Suglasan/na sam da Abbott smije koristiti moje osobne/lične podatke, kao što su ime i prezime, adresa, radno iskustvo, itd., na ovim web-stranicama samo u svrhu traženja zaposlenika. Ako moja prijava bude uspješna, moji osobni/lični podaci smiju se obraditi i priložiti mom radnom dosjeu.
Suglasan/na sam s čuvanjem mojih osobnih/ličnih podataka u arhivi za potrebe ostalih poslovnih ponuda te shvaćam da imam pravo povući ovu dozvolu za obradu osobnih/ličnih podataka u naprijed navedenu svrhu koristeći postavku/opciju povlačenje na ovim web-stranicama.
Nadalje, suglasan/na sam, ako je to potrebno radi korištenja u istu svrhu za koju je ova dozvola izdana, da Abbott može prijenositi moje osobne /lične podatke, , poslovnim jedinicama tvrtke Abbott diljem svijeta, njihovim savjetnicima i ostalim trećim stranama diljem svijeta koje im nude proizvode i usluge (poput agencija koje nam pomažu u odabiru i intervjuiranju potencijalnih kandidata za posao, pružatelja IT sistema, pružatelja programa kompenzacija i beneficija, itd), kao i zakonodavnim tijelima, ako to nalaže zakon. Abbott će zahtijevati da gore spomenute treće strane obrađuju primljene osobne/lične podatke u skladu s njihovom namjenom i ograničenjima pod kojima su ti podaci prvotno prikupljeni.
Razumio/la sam ovu izjavu i unosom mojih osobnih/ličnih podataka i slanjem istih Abbottu dajem slobodnu i dobrovoljnu dozvolu za obradu mojih osobnih/ličnih podataka u gore navedene svrhe.
On the best of my knowledge I certify that the information I gave is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal information such as name, address, work experience, etc., on this website only for the purpose of seeking employees. If my application is successful, the personal data may be processed and submitted in my work file.
I agree to keep my personal information in the file for other job offers, and I realize that I have the right to withdraw this consent with my personal data processing for above mentioned purpose by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com
Furthermore, I agree, if necessary for the same purpose as mentioned above, that Abbott transfers my personal data, to the Abbott business units around the world, their advisors and other third parties around the world that they offer products and services (such as agencies that help us in selecting and interviewing potential candidates for the job, IT systems provider, the provider of compensation and benefits, etc), as well as legislative bodies, if required by law. Abbott will require that the above mentioned third parties process the received personal information in accordance with their purpose and limitations under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and, by way of giving my personal data and sending them to Abbott, I freely and willingly consent with the processing of my personal data for the above purposes.
Eu confirmo que as informações aqui cadastradas são verdadeiras.
Eu aceito que a Abbott possa utilizar meus dados pessoais, tais como nome, endereço, histórico profissional, etc., somente para fins de recrutamento. Em caso de contratação, meus dados pessoais poderão ser registrados no arquivo de colaborador.
Eu aceito que meus dados pessoais sejam mantidos no arquivo para que sejam considerados em futuras oportunidades. Eu tenho conhecimento de que posso excluir meu currículo do site Enviando um e-mail talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Eu aceito que meus dados pessoais sejam compartilhados com outras afiliadas da Abbott ao redor do mundo e para assessores e/ou terceiros que lhe proporcionem produtos e serviços (bem como para agências que nos prestam consultoria em recrutamento e seleção, fornecedores de tecnologia, fornecedores de programas de remuneração e benefícios, etc.) da mesma maneira que para autoridades reguladoras ou caso requisitado pela lei.
Eu tenho conhecimento das regras de acesso e autorizo o uso de meus dados pessoais de acordo com os fins citados acima.
I confirm that the information registered here are true.
I accept that Abbott may use my personal data such as name, address, work history, etc.., only for recruitment purposes. In case of hiring, my personal data may be recorded in the file contributor.
I accept that my personal data are kept on file for consideration for future opportunities. I am aware that I delete my resume site by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I accept that my personal data be shared with other affiliates of Abbott around the world and to counsel and / or third parties that provide you with products and services (as well as agencies that provide advice on recruitment and selection, technology vendors, suppliers compensation programs and benefits, etc..) in the same manner as for regulatory authorities or where required by law.
I have knowledge of the rules of access and consent to the use of my personal data according to the purposes cited above.
Je confirme que, au meilleur de ma connaissance, l'information que je vais fournir dans cette demande d'emploi est exacte.
J'accepte qu'Abbott puisse utiliser mes renseignements personnels, tels que mon nom, mon adresse, mes antécédents de travail, qui auront été recueillis sur ce site à des fins de recrutement uniquement. Si ma demande d'emploi est acceptée, mes renseignements pourront être traités dans mon dossier d'emploi.
J'accepte que mes renseignements personnels puissent être gardés en dossier pour d'autres postes, et je comprends qui je peux supprimer mon CV en envoyant un courrier électronique talentacquisition@abbott.com.
J'accepte également que mes renseignements personnels, puissent, s'il y a lieu, aux fins énumérées ci-dessus, être divulgués à Abbott partout dans le monde, ainsi qu'à ses conseillers et à d'autres parties (comme les agences qui nous aident dans les processus de sélection et d'entrevue des employés potentiels, des fournisseurs de systèmes de TI, les fournisseurs de programmes de rémunération et d'avantages sociaux, etc.) de même qu'à des organismes de réglementation ou conformément aux exigences de la loi. Abbott exigera que les tiers nommés ci-dessus traiteront les renseignements personnels conformément aux fins auxquels ils ont été recueillis et dans les limites pour lesquelles les données ont initialement été recueillies.
Je comprends la portée de l'énoncé et autorise l'utilisation de mes renseignements personnels aux fins décrites ci-dessus.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information I provide in this employment application is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal information, such as my name, my address, my work history, which has been collected on this site for recruitment purposes only. If my application is accepted, my information will be treated in my employment file.
I agree that my personal information may be kept on file for other positions, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I also agree that my personal information may, where appropriate, for the purposes listed above, be disclosed to Abbott over the world, and its consultants and other parties (such as agencies that help in the selection process and interview potential employees, suppliers of IT systems, providers of programs of compensation and benefits, etc..) as well as regulators or as required by law. Abbott will require the third parties named above will handle personal information in accordance with the purposes for which it was collected and the extent to which the data were originally collected.
I understand the scope of the statement and allow the use of my personal information for the purposes described above.
I solemnly confirmed, enter all the information are true.
I agree with the information I provided in this recruitment websites, such as name, address, and work experience can be used to Abbott recruitment process. If the job application is successful, my personal information can also be used as employee records, recruitment procedures for Abbott employees.
I also agree that my personal information may be retained for other Abbott vacancies.
I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree that when necessary, my resume can be forwarded to the other branch of the Abbott Global Abbott consultant, and any third parties that provide products and services for the Abbott resume screening and interview of candidates to the intermediary (such as in recruitment the company, supplier of computer network systems, pay and benefits procedures ISP), and in accordance with the laws and regulations related to government agencies. Abbott submitting your personal information on such third party to ensure the consistency of the information submitted with your acknowledge and agree to submit my personal information for the purpose in this.
Hereby warrant that, to my knowledge, the information filled out this application form is true and correct.
I agree that Abbott is only available in the recruitment process to use the personal information I have provided on this site, such as name, address and work experience. Once the application is successful, Abbott can handle my personal information to create appointment files.
I agree that personal data archive in order to consider other jobs, but also to understand to email talentacquisition@abbott.com to revoke the resume.
I also agree with, such as for the above purpose, if necessary, my personal information will be sent around the world Abbott office, consultants, global provider of Abbott products and services to other third parties (such as assisting in the Abbott screening and interview the institution of the applicant's agent, information technology systems suppliers, wages and benefits plan providers ... and so on) as well as regulatory authorities, or in accordance with the law must provide. Abbott will require these third parties the personal data in accordance with the original purpose of personal data and the limits of treatment received.
Potvrđujem da su, prema mom saznanju, podaci koje sam unio/unijela u ovu prijavu točni.
Suglasan/na sam da Abbott smije koristiti moje osobne podatke, kao što su ime i prezime, adresa, radno iskustvo, itd., na ovim web-stranicama samo u svrhu traženja zaposlenika. Ako moja prijava bude uspješna, moji osobni podaci smiju se obraditi i priložiti mom radnom dosjeu.
Suglasan/na sam s čuvanjem mojih osobnih podataka u arhivi za potrebe ostalih poslovnih ponuda te shvaćam da imam pravo povući ovu privolu za obradu osobnih podataka u naprijed navedenu svrhu elektronička pošta talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Nadalje, suglasan/na sam, ako je to potrebno radi korištenja u istu svrhu za koju je ova privola izdana, da Abbott može prijenositi moje osobne podatke, , poslovnim jedinicama tvrtke Abbott diljem svijeta, njihovim savjetnicima i ostalim trećim stranama diljem svijeta koje im nude proizvode i usluge (poput agencija koje nam pomažu u odabiru i intervjuiranju potencijalnih kandidata za posao, pružatelja IT sustava, pružatelja programa kompenzacija i beneficija, itd), kao i zakonodavnim tijelima, ako to nalaže zakon. Abbott će zahtijevati da gore spomenute treće strane obrađuju primljene osobne podatke u skladu s njihovom namjenom i ograničenjima pod kojima su ti podaci prvotno prikupljeni.
Razumio/la sam ovu izjavu i unosom mojih osobnih podataka i slanjem istih Abbottu dajem slobodnu i dobrovoljnu privolu za obradu mojih osobnih podataka u gore navedene svrhe.
On the best of my knowledge I certify that the information I gave is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal information such as name, address, work experience, etc., on this website only for the purpose of seeking employees. If my application is successful, the personal data may be processed and submitted in my work file.
I agree to keep my personal information in the file for other job offers, and I realize that I have the right to withdraw this consent with my personal data processing for above mentioned purpose by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Furthermore, I agree, if necessary for the same purpose as mentioned above, that Abbott transfers my personal data to the Abbott business units around the world, their advisors and other third parties around the world that they offer products and services (such as agencies that help us in selecting and interviewing potential candidates for the job, IT systems provider, the provider of compensation and benefits, etc), as well as legislative bodies, if required by law. Abbott will require that the above mentioned third parties process the received personal information in accordance with their purpose and limitations under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and, by way of giving my personal data and sending them to Abbott, I freely and willingly consent with the processing of my personal data for the above purposes.
Jako uchazeč o zaměstnání tímto výslovně uděluji na dobu neurčitou společnosti Abbott Laboratories, s.r.o., identifikační číslo 250 95 145, se sídlem na adrese Hadovka Office Park, Evropská 2591/33d, 160 00 Praha 6, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, sp. zn. C 48372 („Abbott“ nebo “správce”) souhlas podle zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů a o změně některých zákonů, v platném znění (“ZOOÚ“) ke zpracování mých osobních údajů, včetně citlivých údajů, v rozsahu osobních údajů, které jsem jí poskytl a které společnost Abbott zpracovává, včetně, avšak nejenom, titulu, jména a příjmení, data narození, státní příslušnosti, adresy, vzdělání a kvalifikace, kontaktních údajů (telefonní čísla, emailová adresa), IP adresy a životopisu (“osobní údaje”), a to pro účely nabízení zaměstnání, přijímacího řízení a řízení lidských zdrojů.
Dále výslovně souhlasím s tím, že společnost Abbott je oprávněna (i) předávat mé osobní údaje ke zpracování do jiných států (např. na základě smlouvy o zpracování), a (ii) zpřístupňovat a předávat ke zpracování osobní údaje kterékoli majetkově spřízněné osobě, a to v obou případech včetně států, jejichž právní úprava ochrany osobních údajů neodpovídá požadavkům stanoveným právními předpisy České republiky.
Společnost Abbott může mé osobní údaje sdělovat třetím stranám v pozici zpracovatelů, kteří pro společnost Abbott vykonávají obchodní a administrativní činnosti. Společnost Abbott má s každým takovým subjektem uzavřenou příslušnou smlouvu zajišťující odpovídající ochranu mých osobních údajů a jejich zabezpečení. Aktuální seznam zpracovatelů je dostupný na adrese http://www.abbott.com/policies/other-disclosures.html.
Beru na vědomí, že ve společnosti Abbott jsou uplatňovány technické a organizační opatření k ochraně osobních údajů před náhodnou či nedbalostní manipulací, ztrátou, zničením či zpřístupněním neoprávněné osobě. Bezpečnostní opatření společnosti Abbott jsou průběžně aktualizovány novými technologickými postupy.
Mé osobní údaje mohou být rovněž předány třetím stranám v roli správců údajů, a to subjektům, které jsou členy globální skupiny společností Abbott. Můj souhlas k takovému zpracování osobních údajů těmito třetími stranami se poskytuje na dobu neurčitou a to pro stejné účely, jak je uvedeno výše. Společnost Abbott může osobní údaje sdělit za účelem splnění právních a/nebo regulatorních povinností.
Jsem si vědom/a, že můžu požádat správce o informace o zpracování mých osobních údajů, jakož i o vysvětlení a odstranění případně vzniklého závadného stavu. Mám také právo se v případě nesrovnalostí obrátit přímo na Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů. Poskytování mých osobních údajů je dobrovolné a tento souhlas může být kdykoliv odvolán prostřednictvím emailu zaslaného na následující emailovou adresu talentacquisition@abbott.com. Současně mohu požadovat přístup k mým osobním údajům a jejich opravu, jakož i uplatňovat další práva podle § 12 a § 21 ZOOÚ, o nichž jsem v souladu s § 11 ZOOÚ řádně informován/a a poučen/a.
Beru na vědomí, že kliknutím na tlačítko “I agree” uděluji souhlas se zpracováním mých osobních údajů dle výše uvedených podmínek.
As a job applicant, I hereby expressly grant my consent, for an indefinite period of time, to Abbott Laboratories, s.r.o., identification number 25095145, with its registered office at Hadovka Office Park, Evropská 2591/33d, 160 00 Prague 6, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 48372 ("Abbott" or “data controller”), according to Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on protection of personal data and amendments to certain other laws, as amended (“APPD”), to process my personal data, including sensitive data, within the scope of personal data that I provided to Abbott, and which Abbott processes including, without limitation, title, name and surname, date of birth, citizenship, address, education and qualification, contact information (phone numbers, email address), IP address, and resume (“personal data”), for the purposes of offering employment, recruitment management and human resources.
I further expressly agree that Abbott is entitled to (i) transfer my personal data for processing to other states (eg, under a data processing agreement), and (ii) allow access and transfer my personal data for processing to any financially related person, and in both cases, including states whose legislation on data protection does not correspond to the requirements imposed by the law of the Czech Republic.
Abbott may disclose my personal data to third parties in their capacity as data processors that perform business and administrative functions for Abbott. Abbott has concluded relevant agreements ensuring adequate level of protection and safety of my personal data with each and every such data processor. The current list of data processors is available at http://www.abbott.com/policies/other-disclosures.html.
I acknowledge that at Abbott, technical and organizational security measures are employed to protect personal data from coincidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. Abbott security procedures are continually updated with technological developments.
My personal data may be also transferred to third parties in their capacity as data controllers, meaning entities which are members of the global Abbott group. My consent to such processing of personal data by these third parties is provided for an indefinite period of time and for the same purposes as listed above. Abbott may disclose personal data in order to comply with legal and/or regulatory obligations.
I acknowledge that I can ask the data controller for information about the processing of my personal data, as well as for explanation and removal of any improper state of affairs. I have the right to turn directly to the Office for protection of personal data in case of any discrepencies. Provision of my personal data is voluntary and I can withdraw this consent at any time by email addressed to the following email address talentacquisition@abbott.com. At the same time, I can request access to my personal data and its rectification, as well as assert other rights according to Secs. 12 and 21 of APPD about which I have been duly informed and educated in accordance with Sec. 11 of APPD.
I acknowledge that by clicking on “I agree” button I grant consent to the processing of my personal data according to the conditions described above.
Erklæring vedrørende persondata
Jeg bekræfter at den information, jeg hermed afgiver, efter min bedste overbevisning er præcis og korrekt.
Jeg er indforstået med, at Abbott kun bruger mine persondata, f.eks. navn, adresse, CV mv., der er indsamlet via dette websted, til rekrutteringsformål. Hvis min jobansøgning resulterer i ansættelse hos Abbott, kan mine persondata i ansøgningen opbevares i min personalemappe og behandles i overensstemmelse med Lov om behandling af personoplysninger.
Jeg er indforstået med, at mine persondata bliver gemt i op til et år, så de kan anvendes til andre stillingsopslag, og jeg er bekendt med, at jeg kan tilbagekalde mit CV vha. E-mail talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Jeg erklærer mig yderligere indforstået med, at mine persondata - hvis det er nødvendigt af hensyn til ovenstående formål - overføres til Abbott globalt samt til deres rådgivere eller andre globale tredjeparter, der yder produkter og services til Abbott (f.eks. agenturer, der assisterer ved screening og interviews af mulige kandidater, IT-systemleverandører, kompensations- og fordelsprogramleverandører, mv.) samt til myndigheder eller som vedtaget ved lov. Abbott vil kræve, at de tredjeparter, der er beskrevet ovenfor, behandler de modtagne persondata i overensstemmelse med formålet, og indenfor de begrænsninger, under hvilke dataene oprindeligt blev indsamlet.
Jeg er indforstået med denne erklæring og tillader Abbott at bruge de persondata, jeg indsender, til ovenstående formål.
I certify that the information I am about to make, with the best of my knowledge is accurate.
I understand that Abbott may use my personal example. name, address, work history, etc., collected through this Web site for recruitment purposes. If my job application is successful, my personal data will be filed in my personal employment file.
I understand that my personal data will be saved so they can be used for other vacancies, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I declare I further understand that my personal data - if it is necessary to meet the above purposes - is transferred to Abbott globally as well as their advisors or other global third parties that provide products and services to Abbott (such as: Agencies that assist us in screening and interviewing potential candidates, computer system suppliers, compensation of benefit program vendors, etc..) and to regulatory authorities or as decided by law. Abbott will require that the third parties described above, will process the received personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the constraints under which the data was originally collected. I understand this statement and allow use of the personal data I submit, for the above purpose.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I am about to enter in this application is accurate.
I agree Abbott (Abbott Laboratories SA Eesti Filiaal, registration number 10983736, 13/15 Liivalaia, Tallinn 10118,
Estonia, tel. nr. + 372 600 4308, fax + 372 636 3081) may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. entered by me on this site for recruitment purposes only. Should my application be successful, my personal data that I have disclosed to Abbott via this site may be processed for the purposes of concluding and performing by Abbott my employment contract.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings, for no longer than 2 years following the submission of my application, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com. I further understand that I have right of access to and the right to rectify my personal data by making a request to Abbott.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott around the world, and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott will require that third parties described above will process the received personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and give permission to use the personal data I submit for the above purposes.
Vakuutan, että parhaan tietoni mukaan tähän hakemukseen syöttämäni tiedot ovat oikeat.
Suostun siihen, että Abbott voi käyttää tällä sivustolla koottuja henkilötietojani, kuten nimeä, osoitetta, työhistoriaa jne., vain rekrytointiin. Mikäli hakemukseni hyväksytään, henkilötietojani voidaan käsitellä työhönottotiedostoani varten.
Suostun siihen, että henkilötietoni voidaan arkistoida huomioitavaksi muiden avointen tehtävien suhteen, ja ymmärrän, että voin vetää pois ansioluetteloni käyttämällä sähköposti talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Suostun myös siihen, että henkilötietoni voidaan, jos se on tarpeen edellä mainittuja tarkoituksia varten, siirtää Abbottille ympäri maailmaa, sekä maailmanlaajuisesti heidän neuvonantajilleen ja muille kolmansille osapuolille, jotka toimittavat heille tuotteita ja palveluita (kuten toimistot, jotka auttavat meitä hakijoiden seulonnassa ja haastattelemisessa, tietotekniikkajärjestelmien toimittajat, palkka- ja etu-ohjelmien tarjoajat jne.) samoin kuin viranomaisille tai muuten lain vaatimalla tavalla. Abbott edellyttää, että edellä mainitut kolmannet osapuolet käsittelevät vastaanottamansa henkilötiedot samoja tarkoituksia varten ja samoin rajoituksin, joiden mukaisesti tiedot on alun perin kerätty.
Ymmärrän tämän vakuutuksen ja annan luvan käyttää antamiani henkilötietoja edellä mainittuihin tarkoituksiin.
I declare that the best of my knowledge, the information I submit to this application are correct.
I agree that Abbott can be used on this site, collected my personal information, such as your name, address, work history, etc., recruitment purposes only. If my application is approved, my personal data may be processed for my employment file.
I agree that my personal data can be archived for further possible vacancies, and I understand that I can withdraw my CV by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I also agree that my personal data can be, if it is necessary for the purposes outlined above, transferred to Abbott around the world, both globally and to their advisors and other third parties who supply them with products and services (such as offices, which will help us with candidates screening and interviewing, information technology systems suppliers, payroll and benefit programs, providers, etc.) as well as the authorities or otherwise as required by law. Abbott requires that these third parties process the personal data received for the same purposes and under the same restrictions under which the information was originally collected.
I understand this declaration and I give permission to use the personal data for such purposes.
Énoncé sur les renseignements personnels
Je confirme que, au meilleur de ma connaissance, l'information que je vais fournir dans cette demande d'emploi est exacte.
J'accepte qu'Abbott puisse utiliser mes renseignements personnels, tels que mon nom, mon adresse, mes antécédents de travail, qui auront été recueillis sur ce site à des fins de recrutement uniquement. Si ma demande d'emploi est acceptée, mes renseignements pourront être traités dans mon dossier d'emploi.
J'accepte que mes renseignements personnels puissent être gardés en dossier pour d'autres postes à pouvoir, et je comprends que je peux supprimer mon CV au moyen de email talentacquisition@abbott.com.
J'accepte également que mes renseignements personnels, puissent, s'il y a lieu, aux fins énumérées ci-dessus, être divulgués à Abbott partout dans le monde, ainsi qu'à ses conseillers et à d'autres parties (comme les agences qui nous aident dans les processus de sélection et d'entrevue des employés potentiels, des fournisseurs de systèmes de TI, les fournisseurs de programmes de rémunération et d'avantages sociaux, etc.) de même qu'à des organismes de réglementation ou conformément aux exigences de la loi. Abbott exigera que les tiers nommés ci-dessus traiteront les renseignements personnels conformément aux fins auxquels ils ont été recueillis et dans les limites pour lesquelles les données ont initialement été recueillies.
J’ai bien noté que je dispose d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations qui me concernent, que je peux exercer en m’adressant à à Bruno OLIVEIRA, Directeur des Ressources Humaines Abbott France, 10 rue d’Arcueil, Rungis 94518 France. Je suis également informé que je peux, pour des motifs légitimes, m’opposer au traitement des données me concernant.
S’agissant des données à renseigner dans les éventuelles zones de libres commentaires, je m’engage à ce qu’elles soient pertinentes, c’est à dire en lien direct avec l’emploi proposé ou avec l’évaluation de mes aptitudes professionnelles.
Je comprends la portée de l'énoncé et autorise l'utilisation de mes renseignements personnels aux fins décrites ci-dessus.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information I provide in this employment application is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal information, such as my name, my address, my work history, which has been collected on this site for recruitment purposes only. If my application is accepted, my information will be treated in my employment file.
I agree that my personal information may be kept on file for other positions in power, and I understand that I may remove my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I also agree that my personal information may, where appropriate, for the purposes listed above, be disclosed to Abbott over the world, and its consultants and other parties (such as agencies that help us in the selection process and interview potential employees, suppliers of IT systems, providers of compensation programs and benefits, etc..) as well as regulators or as required of the law. Abbott will require the third parties named above will handle personal information in accordance with the purposes for which it was collected and the extent to which the data were originally collected.
I am aware that I have a right to access and rectify information concerning me, that I may exercise in speaking to Bruno OLIVEIRA, Directeur des Ressources Humaines Abbott France, 10 rue d’Arcueil, Rungis 94518 France. I am also aware that I can, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of my data.
Regarding data to be entered in any areas of free comments, I agree that they are relevant, ie in direct connection with the proposed use or the assessment of my skills.
I understand the scope of the statement and allow the use of my personal information for the purposes described above.
Status November 2015
Der Schutz Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten ist uns ein besonders wichtiges Anliegen, daher finden Sie im Folgenden datenschutzrelevante Hinweise zu unserem Karriereportal. Wir bitten Sie, diese genau durchzulesen und verweisen insbesondere auf die unten enthaltene Zustimmungserklärung.
Datenerhebung bei der Erstellung einer Online-Bewerbung:
In diesem Portal werden die uns anvertrauten personenbezogenen Daten unter Beachtung der gesetzlichen Datenschutzbedingungen gespeichert. Unser Karriereportal wird für Deutschland durch die Abbott GmbH, Max-Planck-Ring 2, 65205 Wiesbaden betrieben und von allen Gesellschaften der Abbott Gruppe verwendet. Ihre personenbezogenen Bewerberdaten werden von uns nur unter Einhaltung der datenschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen verarbeitet. Dies erfolgt nur, wenn der Bewerber der Erhebung, Speicherung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung der bei der Inanspruchnahme der Dienste anfallenden und zu deren Durchführung notwendigen personenbezogenen Daten oder durch von Abbott beauftragte Unternehmen durch Bestätigung dieser Erklärung zustimmt. Diese Zustimmung wird protokolliert.
Abgabe Ihrer persönlichen Datenschutzerklärung:
Sobald Sie auf das Feld „Ja, ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und akzeptiere sie“ klicken und den Haken setzen, erklären Sie sich mit dieser Datenschutzerklärung einverstanden und geben Ihr Einverständnis zur Speicherung und Nutzung Ihrer uns zur Verfügung gestellten personenbezogenen Daten wie im Folgenden beschrieben.
Personenbezogen sind solche Daten, die Angaben über persönliche und sachliche Verhältnisse eines bestimmten oder bestimmbaren Bewerbers oder Arbeitgebers enthalten. Im Einzelnen werden im Rahmen der Registrierung unter anderem folgende Angaben abgefragt und in unserer Datenbank registriert:
Diese Daten sind nur für Mitarbeiter von Abbott und mit der Datenverarbeitung beauftragte Dritte zugänglich.
Um elektronisch eine Bewerbung durchzuführen ist das Anlegen eines Profils erforderlich. Dies erfordert Angaben von personenbezogenen Daten. Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie auf diesen Webseiten eingeben, werden stets vertraulich und im Einklang mit den geltenden Datenschutzbestimmungen behandelt. Erhebungen bzw. Übermittlungen personenbezogener Daten an staatliche Einrichtungen und Behörden erfolgen nur im Rahmen der geltenden Gesetze. Unsere Mitarbeiter sind zur Verschwiegenheit sowie auf das Datengeheimnis gemäß § 5 BDSG verpflichtet.
Erhebung personenbezogener Daten / Zweckbindung:
Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden ausschließlich zu Bewerbungszwecken gemäß den geltenden Datenschutzbestimmungen verarbeitet und genutzt. Mit der Freischaltung Ihres Profils erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass ihre personenbezogenen Daten nur von Mitarbeitern unserer Personalbereiche, den Mitarbeitervertretungen nach Betriebsverfassungsgesetz und den entsprechenden Fachabteilungen eingesehen werden können, die an der Besetzung der jeweiligen Stelle beteiligt sind. Dies können neben der Abbott GmbH auch mit ihr verbundene Gesellschaften zum Zwecke der Stellenbesetzung sein. Ihre Daten werden darüber hinaus zur Kandidatensuche und zum Profilabgleich genutzt.
Falls wir Ihnen zurzeit keine offene Stelle anbieten können, kann trotzdem schon bald eine für Sie passende Stelle bei Abbott frei werden. Daher kann Ihre Bewerbung auch für andere Unternehmen der Abbott Gruppe interessant sein. Da Abbott weltweit agiert, werden Ihre Bewerberdaten im Rahmen unseres Karriereportals auch an Gesellschaften der Abbott Gruppe in anderen Ländern übermittelt. Diese Datenübermittlung erfolgt ausschließlich zum Zweck der Bearbeitung Ihrer Bewerbung, damit wir Ihnen weltweit optimale Karrieremöglichkeiten innerhalb der Abbott Gruppe bieten können. Um Ihnen diese Jobmöglichkeit zu sichern, bewahren wir Ihre Bewerbungsdaten für die Dauer von 2 Jahren auf.
Volljährig („über 18 Jahre"):
Ein wichtiges Thema ist der Schutz und die Privatsphäre von Jugendlichen. Wir erheben, verarbeiten und nutzen daher keine Informationen von Personen, von denen uns bekannt ist, dass sie jünger als 18 Jahre sind, ohne Zustimmung eines gesetzlichen Vertreters eingeholt zu haben. Gesetzliche Vertreter können auf Anfrage die uns vorliegenden Informationen einsehen und verlangen, dass diese gelöscht werden.
Falls Sie jünger als 18 Jahre sind, gehen wir davon aus, dass für diese Bewerbung die Zustimmung der Eltern bzw. des Erziehungsberechtigten vorliegt. Ein Profil oder eine Bewerbung darf nur von volljährigen Personen angelegt bzw. abgegeben werden. Für den Schutz der Privatsphäre ihrer Kinder sind die Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten verantwortlich.
Zugriffs- und Berichtigungsrecht / Rücknahme persönliche Erklärung:
Sie haben das Recht, alle auf Ihre Person bezogenen Daten, die bei uns gespeichert sind, zu überprüfen und zu berichtigen, wenn sie nicht mehr aktuell oder unrichtig sind. Falls Sie kein Interesse mehr an einer Tätigkeit bei uns haben, Sie sich bitte an: bewerbung.de@abbott.com.
Löschung Ihrer Daten:
Sie können Ihr Bewerberprofil jederzeit einsehen, verändern, sperren, freigeben oder löschen. Falls Sie bei einer Stellenbesetzung nicht berücksichtigt werden, erhalten Sie eine eMail und es wird gleichzeitig angefragt, ob Ihr Profil mit den personenbezogenen Daten weiterhin in Abbott’s Karriereportal gespeichert bleiben soll. Falls Sie auf diese eMail innerhalb von 3 Monaten nicht reagieren sollten, wird Ihr Systemzugang automatisch deaktiviert und es erfolgt eine automatische Löschung Ihrer Daten nach 6 Monaten. Die Daten sind dann endgültig gelöscht und können nicht wiederhergestellt werden.
Im Falle der Erhebung und Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten unsere Sicherungsmaßnahmen werden entsprechend der technologischen Entwicklung fortlaufend überarbeitet.
Einsatz von Cookies:
Unser Karriereportal verwendet Cookies. Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden. Eine der Hauptaufgaben von Cookies besteht darin, Ihre Einstellungen und andere Informationen auf Ihrem Computer zu speichern. Dadurch müssen Sie etwa gleichartige Informationen nicht wiederholt eingeben, und personalisierte Inhalte werden Ihnen bei späteren Besuchen unseres Karriereportals angezeigt. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Cookies anzunehmen oder abzulehnen. Die Mehrzahl der üblicherweise verwendeten Webbrowser nimmt Cookies automatisch an. Sie können jedoch in der Regel über die Browsereinstellungen festlegen, ob Cookies abgelehnt werden sollen. Bitte prüfen Sie sorgfältig, ob Ihre persönlichen Browsereinstellungen in dem von Ihnen gewünschten Ausmaß Cookies annehmen oder ablehnen. Sofern Ihre Browsereinstellungen die Annahme von Cookies ermöglichen erklären Sie dadurch Ihr Einverständnis, dass wir Cookies auf Ihrem Computer speichern dürfen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie im Fall der Ablehnung von Cookies unter Umständen diverse Funktionen unseres Karriereportals, die von Cookies abhängig sind, nicht nutzen können. Wenn Sie die Verwendung von Cookies akzeptieren, können Sie auf Ihrem Computer gespeicherte Cookies zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder löschen. Cookies können beispielsweise gelöscht werden, indem Sie in bestimmten Browsermenüs die Optionen "Extras" und "Browserverlauf löschen" auswählen. Aktivieren Sie dann das Kontrollkästchen "Cookies", und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Löschen". Wenn Sie die Cookies löschen, werden alle Einstellungen, die von diesen Cookies gesteuert werden, gelöscht.
Bei technischen Problemen oder Fragen oder Anregungen z.B. zum Kandidatenprofil oder Stellenangeboten wenden Sie sich bitte an: bewerbung.de@abbott.com
Bei Fragen zu dieser Datenschutzerklärung oder zum Datenschutz bei Abbott allgemein wenden Sie sich bitte an: datenschutz.de@abbott.com
Durch ständige Weiterentwicklung und technischen Fortschritt der Anwendung E-Recruiting ist dadurch bedingt auch eine Anpassung dieser Datenschutzerklärung von Zeit zu Zeit erforderlich. Wir behalten uns vor, jederzeit entsprechende Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Privacy policy for e-Recruitment
Protecting your personal data is an especially important concern. Therefore, we would like to inform you about our data protection principles and procedures of the use of your personal data as part of your application via the e-Recruiting at Abbott. This privacy statement applies Abbott's global career portal www.abbottcareers.com/.
Data collection in the creation of an online application
In this portal we entrusted personal data in compliance with statutory privacy policy saved. This is done only if the candidate of the collection, storage, processing and use of the mandated use of the services incurred and necessary to their personal information or conduct by Abbott Company agrees to be confirmed by the Privacy Policy. This agreement is recorded in e-recruiting system.
Personal data are those data, the information about personal and factual circumstances of a specific or identifiable candidate or employer included. Specifically, the purpose of registration requested, inter alia, the following information and registered in our database:
• Title, first name, last name • Birthday • Citizenship • E-mail Address • Phone numbers • Address data • Application data (CV, digital documents, Resumes) • IP address (will anonymisert)
These data are only for employees of Abbott and processing the data accessible to authorized third parties
Registry entries
To carry out a job application electronically creating a profile is required. This requires details of personal information. Your personal data you enter on this website will be treated confidentially and in accordance with German data protection provisions, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act. Surveys or transmission of personal data to government institutions and authorities only within the framework of applicable laws. Our employees are bound to confidentiality and to maintain data secrecy in accordance with § 5 BDSG.
Collection of personal data / Earmarking
Your personal information will be used solely for application purposes in accordance with applicable data protection regulations and used. With the activation of your profile, you agree that their personal data can be viewed only from the employees of HR departments, the employee representatives to the Works Constitution Act and the relevant departments involved in the occupation of each site. This may be the next Abbott GmbH and its affiliates for the purpose of filling vacancies. Your data will be used also for searching for candidates and for comparing profiles. In the case of setting your personal data will be transferred to the personnel management system for processing.
If you have not customized your profile over a period of 6 months, Abbott can request by mail an update of your personal information from you. To do this given the time period, will delete your profile with all the contained data 12 months after the last update.
Data transfer to Abbott companies
Your application may be of interest to the Abbott group for other companies. Since Abbott operates globally, the applicant data as part of our career portal are also companies in the Abbott group identified in other countries. This data transfer is made solely for the purpose of processing your application, thus we offer comprehensive, global career opportunities within the Abbott group. We make sure in all countries, the German data protection laws equivalent data protection level.
Full year ("over 18")
An important issue is the protection and privacy of young people. We collect, process, and therefore does not use information relating to an individual whom we know that they are younger than 18 years, without having obtained the consent of a legal representative. Legal representatives can view the information provided to us upon request and require that they be deleted.
If you are younger than 18 years, we assume that there is this application for the consent of parents or guardians. A profile, an application may only be of legal age persons created or released. To protect the privacy of their children, parents or guardians are responsible.
Written applications
Application we will use for the privacy statements or only purpose and process their personal data to fulfill the purpose and save electronically.
Personal statement of the applicant
I certify that all information is current and accurate. It is the responsibility of my sole responsibility to keep me in the system of data entered to date.
Access and Correction / Withdrawal personal statement
You have the right to review all of any personal data stored by us, and to rectify them when they are out of date or incorrect. If you have no interest in working with us, you can email bewerbung.de@abbott.com to have the deletion carried out. To ensure that all your personal data will be permanently deleted.
Automatic deletion of data
You can view and modify your candidate profile at any time, terminate, delete or release. If you are not taken into account when filling vacancies, you will receive an email and it will be confirmed at the same time, if your profile with the personal data remains in Abbott's Job Board is expected to remain saved. If you do not respond to this email within 3 months, should your system is automatically disabled access and there is a final automatic deletion of data after 6 months. The data will be permanently deleted and can not be restored.
Data security
At Abbott technical and organizational security measures are employed to protect your data from coincidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons.
In the case of the collection and processing of personal data, information is transmitted in encrypted form to prevent its possible misuse by third parties. Our security procedures are continually updated with technological developments.
Use of Cookies
Cookies are small text files that are locally in the cache of your internet browser are stored. Cookies simplify your use of the websites you visit already. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. You can always change the settings of your browser so that saving is disabled cookies or the browser you informed about the placement of cookies.
Delivery of your personal data protection statement
Once you click on the "Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy and accept them." Button and set the hook, you agree with this Privacy Policy. At the same time, you confirm your votes above "personal statement of the applicant" and give your consent to store and use your personal data provided to us. Please only use private addresses for contacting us. Abbott will only send information to private addresses.
In case of technical problems, questions or suggestions regarding the candidate profile, job opportunities and privacy policy, please contact us at: bewerbung.de@abbott.com.
Data Protection Supervisor(s) from Abbott: datenschutz.de abbott.com
Due to the ongoing development of e-recruiting application is due to an adaptation of this Privacy Policy from time to time. We reserve the right to make changes when necessary.
Δήλωση προσωπικών δεδομένων
Βεβαιώνω ότι, εξ όσων γνωρίζω, οι πληροφορίες που πρόκειται να εισάγω στην παρούσα αίτηση είναι ακριβείς.
Συναινώ η Abbott να χρησιμοποιήσει τα προσωπικά μου δεδομένα, όπως το όνομα, τη διεύθυνση, το εργασιακό μου ιστορικό, κ.λπ., που θα συλλέξει στον παρόντα ιστότοπο, αποκλειστικά για λόγους προσέλκυσης προσωπικού. Σε περίπτωση που η αίτησή μου γίνει δεκτή, τα προσωπικά μου δεδομένα μπορούν να υποστούν επεξεργασία για το φάκελό μου ως εργαζομένου.
Αναγνωρίζω ότι τα προσωπικά μου δεδομένα ενδέχεται να διατηρηθούν για 1 χρόνο προκειμένου να χρησιμοποιηθούν σε άλλες ευκαιρίες εργασίας και κατανοώ ότι μπορώ να αποσύρω Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Περαιτέρω, αναγνωρίζω ότι τα προσωπικά μου δεδομένα ενδέχεται, εφόσον είναι απαραίτητο για τους ανωτέρω σκοπούς, να μεταβιβαστούν στα γραφεία της Abbott ανά τον κόσμο και στους συμβούλους αυτής, καθώς και σε άλλα τρίτα μέρη παγκοσμίως, τα οποία παρέχουν στην Abbott προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες (όπως πρακτορεία που βοηθούν στην επιλογή και την πραγματοποίηση συνεντεύξεων με πιθανούς εργαζομένους, προμηθευτές πληροφοριακών συστημάτων, παρόχους προγραμμάτων αποζημίωσης και επιδομάτων, κ.λπ.) καθώς και σε ρυθμιστικές αρχές ή όπως απαιτείται από τη νομοθεσία. Η Abbott θα απαιτεί από τα τρίτα μέρη που περιγράφονται ανωτέρω να επεξεργάζονται τα προσωπικά δεδομένα που λαμβάνουν σύμφωνα με το σκοπό και στο πλαίσιο υπό το οποίο έγινε η αρχική συλλογή τους.
Κατανοώ αυτήν τη δήλωση και επιτρέπω τη χρήση των προσωπικών δεδομένων που υποβάλλω για τους ανωτέρω σκοπούς.
I certify that, to my knowledge the information to be introduced in this application is true.
I consent to Abbott to use my personal data such as name, address, my work history, etc., will collect on this website solely to attract staff. If my application is accepted, my personal data can be processed for the employee as my file.
I acknowledge that my personal data may be retained for 1 year for use in other job opportunities and I understand that I can withdraw my CV by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Further, I acknowledge that my personal data may, if necessary for that purpose, be transferred to Abbott's offices around the world and that the consultants and other third parties worldwide, which provide the Abbott products and services (such agencies that assist in screening and interviewing potential employees, suppliers, information systems, content providers and allowances, etc.) and to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott will require such third parties described above to process personal data received pursuant to the purpose and context in which was the original collection.
I understand this statement and allow the use of personal data submitted for the above purposes.
Személyes adatokkal kapcsolatos nyilatkozat
Kijelentem, hogy az ezen jelentkezés során megadott adatok legjobb tudásom szerint pontosak.
Beleegyezésemet adom, hogy az Abbott a jelen webhelyen gyűjtött személyes adataimat, például nevemet, címemet, valamint a munkatapasztalatommal kapcsolatos adatokat kizárólag toborzási célból felhasználja. Amennyiben jelentkezésem sikeresnek bizonyul, személyes adataim feldolgozásra kerülhetnek a foglalkoztatással kapcsolatos fájlomhoz.
Beleegyezésemet adom, hogy személyes adataimat megőrizzék, hogy az egyéb álláslehetőségeknél figyelembe vehessék, és megértettem, hogy önéletrajzomat visszavonhatom mailezés talentaqcuisition@abbott.com.
Beleegyezésemet adom, hogy személyes adataimat – amennyiben a fenti okokból szükségesnek találják – továbbíthatják a világ bármely Abbott vállalatához, valamint tanácsadóikhoz, és más, a világ bármely pontján lévő harmadik felekhez, amelyek termékeket és szolgáltatásokat biztosítanak számukra (például olyan ügynökségekhez, amelyek segédkeznek a reménybeli alkalmazottak szűrésében és interjúztatásában, valamint az IT-rendszerek szolgáltatóihoz, fizetési és mellékjuttatási programok szolgáltatóihoz), valamint szabályozó hivatalokhoz, illetve a törvény által meghatározott esetekben. Az Abbott elvárja, hogy a fent leírt harmadik felek az adatgyűjtés eredeti céljának és az eredeti korlátozásoknak megfelelően dolgozzák fel a kapott személyes adatokat.
Megértettem a jelen nyilatkozatot, és engedélyezem az általam megadott adatok fenti célokból történő felhasználását.
Személyes adatokkal kapcsolatos nyilatkozat
Kijelentem, hogy az ezen jelentkezés során megadott adatok legjobb tudásom szerint pontosak.
Beleegyezésemet adom, hogy az Abbott a jelen webhelyen gyűjtött személyes adataimat, például nevemet, címemet, valamint a munkatapasztalatommal kapcsolatos adatokat kizárólag toborzási célból felhasználja. Amennyiben jelentkezésem sikeresnek bizonyul, személyes adataim feldolgozásra kerülhetnek a foglalkoztatással kapcsolatos fájlomhoz.
Beleegyezésemet adom, hogy személyes adataimat megőrizzék, hogy az egyéb álláslehetőségeknél figyelembe vehessék, és megértettem, hogy önéletrajzomat visszavonhatom mailezés talentaqcuisition@abbott.com.
Beleegyezésemet adom, hogy személyes adataimat – amennyiben a fenti okokból szükségesnek találják – továbbíthatják a világ bármely Abbott vállalatához, valamint tanácsadóikhoz, és más, a világ bármely pontján lévő harmadik felekhez, amelyek termékeket és szolgáltatásokat biztosítanak számukra (például olyan ügynökségekhez, amelyek segédkeznek a reménybeli alkalmazottak szűrésében és interjúztatásában, valamint az IT-rendszerek szolgáltatóihoz, fizetési és mellékjuttatási programok szolgáltatóihoz), valamint szabályozó hivatalokhoz, illetve a törvény által meghatározott esetekben. Az Abbott elvárja, hogy a fent leírt harmadik felek az adatgyűjtés eredeti céljának és az eredeti korlátozásoknak megfelelően dolgozzák fel a kapott személyes adatokat.
Megértettem a jelen nyilatkozatot, és engedélyezem az általam megadott adatok fenti célokból történő felhasználását.
I declare that the information given in this application the best of my knowledge accurate.
I give my consent to the Abbott of the personal information collected on this site, such as name, address, and work experience related to my use data only for recruitment purposes. If reported to be successful, personal information may be processed in my employment file.
I give my consent to retain personal data to be taken into account for other job opportunities, and I understood that my resume may be revoked by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
My consent, I give my personal data - if the above reasons, find it necessary - may forward to the world Abbott's company, as well as advisers, and others, anywhere in the world of third parties that provide products and services to them (such as agencies that are providing assistance to the prospective screening of employees and interjúztatásában and provider of IT systems, payment service provider and subsidiary of benefit plans) as well as regulatory agencies, and the cases defined by law. Abbott expects the third parties described above, the original purpose of collection and the original restricted in accordance with the received personal data is processed.
I understand this statement and I authorize my data set being used for these purposes.
This Policy applies to residents of India only.
This Privacy Policy explains how we handle the personal information that you provide to us on Web sites controlled by Abbott (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) which link to this Privacy Policy (referred to as "Abbott Web sites"). This Privacy Policy does not apply to personal information collected from you offline (unless otherwise specified), to Abbott Web sites that do not link to this Privacy Policy, to residents of countries other than or to third-party Web sites to which Abbott Web sites may link. Your use of Abbott Web sites, which link to this Privacy Policy, is subject to this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.
Please read this Privacy Policy before using Abbott Web sites or submitting personal information to us.
How does this Privacy Policy define "Personal Information"?
"Personal Information" means information that identifies you or could reasonably be used to identify you and which is submitted to and/or collected by Abbott Web sites and maintained by Abbott in an accessible form. Examples of personal information include your name, your postal address and your telephone number.
How does Abbott collect information online?
Abbott collects information in two ways:
In what circumstances might Abbott collect and use personal information?
Abbott will use the personal information you provide through Abbott Web sites to respond to your questions and to provide you with efficient customer service. After you have entered personal information into a form or data field on an Abbott Web site, Abbott may use certain identifying technologies to allow that Web site to "remember" your personal preferences, such as sections of that Web site that you visit frequently and, if you choose, your user ID. We may also use this personal information for other business purposes, such as to offer you the opportunity to receive notices regarding Abbott’s products or services or to invite you to participate in surveys about our products.
Does Abbott consolidate personal information?
Abbott may consolidate the personal information of customers who use Abbott Web sites. We use this information to help us better design Abbott Web sites and Abbott products, to communicate information to you, to enhance our marketing and research activities, and to facilitate other business functions.
What choices do I have about how Abbott collects and uses personal information about me?
You may always limit the amount and type of personal information that Abbott receives about you by choosing not to enter any personal information into forms or data fields on Abbott Web sites. Some of our online services can only be provided to you if you provide us with appropriate personal information. Other parts of Abbott Web sites may ask whether you wish to opt out or opt into our contact lists for offers, promotions and additional services that may be of interest to you.
You may also be provided with preference questions or preference boxes allowing you to indicate that you do not want Abbott Web sites to use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to "remember" your personal information, such as user IDs or mailing addresses, on return visits. However, Abbott Web sites that use tracking technologies to collect unidentifiable information do not generally provide you with the ability to opt out of the tracking technologies. Some Internet browsers allow you to limit or disable the use of tracking technologies that collect unidentifiable information.
Who will have access to personal information about me?
Personal information can be accessed by a restricted number of Abbott employees, by certain companies, third party processing, storage, etc. with which Abbott may conduct joint programs, and by individuals and entities with whom Abbott contracts to carry out business activities for Abbott. We train our employees about the importance of privacy and how to handle and manage customer data appropriately and securely. Also, it is Abbott’s practice to notify you if you are registering for a program which is conducted in conjunction with another company that may require access to your personal information. In addition, Abbott’s practice is to require its contractors to keep your personal information confidential and to use personal information only to perform functions for Abbott.
Does Abbott share personal information with third parties?
As a general rule, Abbott does not share your personal information with third parties, unless it is necessary to conduct a joint program or to carry out a program or activity (such as data storage, analysis or processing) through a contractor/third party. For this purpose, Abbott/third party may transfer his information outside of India. Where required by law, Abbott will not disclose your personal information to third parties for those third parties’ marketing purposes, unless you have been provided with an opportunity to opt into or opt out of this disclosure. However, if Abbott sells one of its product lines or divisions, your personal information may be transferred to the buyer so that the buyer can continue to provide you with information and services. If Abbott provides your personal information to individuals and entities which assist us with our business activities, it is Abbott’s practice to require those individuals and entities to keep your personal information confidential and to use your personal information only to perform functions for Abbott. Abbott reserves the right to disclose your personal information to respond to authorized information requests from government authorities, to address national security situations, or when otherwise required by law.
How does Abbott secure Personal Information?
It is Abbott’s practice to secure each web page that collects personal information; however, the confidentiality of personal information transmitted over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. We urge you to exercise caution when transmitting personal information over the Internet, especially personal information related to your health. Abbott cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not gain access to your personal information; therefore, when submitting personal information to Abbott Web sites, you must weigh both the benefits and the risks. In addition, Abbott Web sites covered by this Privacy Policy will display a warning whenever you link to a Web site that is not controlled by Abbott or subject to an Abbott Privacy Policy; you should check the privacy policies of such third-party Web sites before submitting personal information. Personal information is stored in Abbott common servers and Abbott has reasonable security Practices and Procedures for securing such information.
How does Abbott protect the privacy of children?
Abbott does not knowingly collect or use any personal information from children (we define "children" as minors younger than 13) on Abbott Web sites. We do not knowingly allow children to order our products, communicate with us, or use any of our online services. If you are a parent and become aware that your child has provided us with information, please contact us using one of the methods specified below, and we will work with you to address this issue.
How may I correct personal information or delete it from current customer records?
You may request to remove your personal information from our current customer records or to amend your personal information. Please notify us of your wishes by contacting us in one of the ways specified below. For our record keeping purposes, we will retain certain personal information you submit.
How can I contact Abbott?
If you have questions about the use, amendment, or deletion of personal information that you have provided to us, or if you would like to opt out of future communications from an Abbott business or a particular Abbott program, please contact us by clicking on the "Contact Us" link on the Web site you are visiting or by e-mailing us at webmaster@abbott.co.in Alternatively, you may send a letter to the following address:
Abbott India Limited
Public Affairs Department
3-4, Corporate Park, Sion-Trombay Road
Mumbai – 400 071
In all communications to Abbott, please include the e–mail address used for registration (if applicable), the Web site address or the specific Abbott program to which you provided personal information), and a detailed explanation of your request. If you would like to delete or amend your personal information and are contacting us by e-mail, please put "Deletion Request" or "Amendment Request, as applicable, in the subject line of the e-mail. We will do our best to respond to all reasonable requests in a timely manner.
How will I know whether Abbott has updated this policy?
Abbott reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy without prior notice to reflect technological advancements, legal and regulatory changes and good business practices. If Abbott changes its privacy practices, a new Privacy Policy will reflect those changes and the effective date of the revised Privacy Policy will be set forth in this paragraph. We recommend that you visit this Policy every time you are about to provide Abbott with your personal information.
Global Baseline Terms and Conditions dated 12.06.2015
Please carefully read the below Abbott’s PRIVACY POLICY and Terms and Conditions pertaining to Recruitment.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I have provided in this application is accurate and I understand that Abbott will rely on it to make decisions about my application.
I agree that the Abbott Company posting the position that I am applying for may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only in accordance with this privacy policy. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file. If I have provided personal information about third parties such as referees, I confirm that I have their permission to do so.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings subject to and in accordance with local law and local privacy policy.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott affiliates around the world, including to the USA and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law or order of court, but that Abbott will ensure that my personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with local law.
Abbott will contractually require that third parties described above will process my personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected in accordance with this privacy policy. Abbott will not otherwise share my personal data unless required by law or regulation.
I understand that in accordance with my local law, I can at any time approach Abbott to apply to exercise my rights of correction, deletion or access to the information held about me by sending an email to talentacquisition@abbott.com. I am aware that if I withdraw my application it will not be further considered by Abbott.
I hereby consent to this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and [if applicable] to my local privacy policy.
In the event of conflict, the terms of the local policy shall apply. I understand that if I do not agree to these policies and terms I should not submit my application to Abbott.
Global Baseline Terms and Conditions dated 12.06.2015
Please carefully read the below Abbott’s PRIVACY POLICY and Terms and Conditions pertaining to Recruitment.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I have provided in this application is accurate and I understand that Abbott will rely on it to make decisions about my application.
I agree that the Abbott Company {“Abbott”} posting the position that I am applying for may use and store my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only in accordance with this privacy policy. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file. If I have provided personal information about third parties such as referees, I confirm that I have their permission to do so.
In addition, I agree that my personal data may be kept on file, even if my application is not successful, in order to be considered for other job openings subject to and in accordance with local law and local privacy policy.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott affiliates around the world, including to the USA and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law, but that Abbott will ensure that my personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with local law.
Abbott will contractually require that third parties described above will process my personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected in accordance with this privacy policy. Abbott will not otherwise share my personal data unless required by law or regulation.
I understand that in accordance with my local law, I can at any time approach Abbott to apply to exercise my rights of correction, deletion or access to the information held about me by sending an email to talentacquisition@abbott.com. I am aware that if I withdraw my application it will not be further considered by Abbott.
I hereby consent to this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and [if applicable] to my local privacy policy.
In the event of conflict, the terms of the local policy shall apply. I understand that that I am not legally obliged to provide any information to Abbot, that any information provided by me to Abbott, is provided at my sole discretion, and that if I do not agree to these policies and terms I should not submit my application to Abbott.
Questa informativa viene fornita ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679, dettato in materia di protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati (in seguito anche Regolamento).
Titolare del trattamento
La informiamo che, in funzione del processo di selezione a cui lei partecipa il Titolare del trattamento sarà:
Responsabile della protezione dei dati (Data Protection Officer – DPO)
Le società su menzionate hanno nominato un Data Protection Officer (DPO) che può essere contattato al seguente indirizzo mail: eu-dpo@abbott.com.
Finalità del trattamento e base giuridica del trattamento
Il trattamento dei dati personali raccolti è finalizzato alla valutazione delle sue competenze e alla selezione del personale. La base giuridica del trattamento è l’attività precontrattuale a favore dell’interessato.
Natura dei dati personali trattati
Per la realizzazione delle finalità su menzionate verranno raccolti tutti i dati personali presenti nel CV, quali in via esemplificativa dati anagrafici ed identificativi, dati di recapito (compresi telefono - Mail), titolo di studio, esperienze lavorative.
Natura del conferimento dei dati personali
Il conferimento dei dati personali è necessario, in mancanza non sarà possibile realizzare le finalità su menzionate.
Modalità di trattamento
I dati personali raccolti sono trattati in forma prevalentemente automatizzata, attraverso misure di sicurezza tali da garantire la tutela e la massima riservatezza degli stessi. Il trattamento sarà improntato ai principi di correttezza, liceità e trasparenza e di tutela della Sua riservatezza e dei Suoi diritti.
Ambito di comunicazione e diffusione, trasferimento dei dati personali
I dati personali raccolti, che non saranno diffusi, potranno essere comunicati a ad altre società del gruppo Abbott e a soggetti che supportano il Titolare nel perseguimento delle finalità su menzionate e a soggetti ai quali sia riconosciuta la facoltà di accedere ai dati personali da disposizioni di legge e/o di normativa secondaria.
I dati raccolti, non saranno diffusi, ma potrebbero essere trasferiti al di fuori dello Spazio Economico Europeo (“SEE”) a paesi terzi che non offrono lo stesso livello di protezione richiesto dalla UE. Al fine di proteggere i dati personali, eseguiremo tali trasferimenti solo sulla base di (i) una decisione della Commissione europea che lo permette, o (ii) ferme restando le clausole contrattuali approvate dalla UE. Il Titolare ha stipulato le clausole contrattuali standard per il trasferimento di dati dallo Spazio Economico Europeo (“SEE”) verso paesi terzi, che comprendono gli Stati Uniti.
Per ottenere copia di tali informazioni o avere indicazioni del luogo dove sono disponibili, si prega di contattare il Data Protection Officer (DPO) nominato dall’azienda al seguente indirizzo e-mail: eu-dpo@abbott.com.
Conservazione dei dati personali
I dati personali trattati verranno conservati per il periodo di tempo strettamente necessario a realizzare le finalità su menzionate e comunque al massimo per 12 mesi dalla raccolta.
Diritti dell’interessato
L’interessato può richiedere informazioni sui suoi dati personali scrivendo all’indirizzo e-mail eu-dpo@abbott.com. In particolare, l’interessato potrà:
Ove lo ritenga opportuno, l’interessato potrà proporre reclamo all'Autorità di controllo.
Privacy notice related to art. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679
This privacy notice is provided in relation to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679, on the protection of the data subjects about the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (hereinafter also the “Regulation”).
Data controller:
We inform you that, depending on the selection process in which you participate, the Data Controller will be:
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
The above companies have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be contacted at the following email address: eu-dpo@abbott.com.
Purpose and legal basis of the data processing
The processing of personal data collected is aimed at evaluating your skills and selecting personnel. The legal basis of the processing is the pre-contractual activity in favor of thedata subjects. .
Nature of the personal data processed
For the realization of the aforementioned purposes, all the personal data present in the CV will be collected, such as, by way of example, personal and identification data, contact details (including telephone - Mail), educational qualifications, work experience.
Nature of the provision of personal data
The provision on personal data is necessary, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the purposes mentioned above.
Processing methods
The personal data collected are processed in a mainly automated form, through security measures that guarantee the protection and maximum confidentiality of the same. The treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of your privacy and your rights.
Scope of communication and sharing, transfer of personal data
The personal data collected, which will not be disclosed, may be disclosed to other companies of the Abbott group and to subjects who support the Data Controller in pursuing the aforementioned purposes and to subjects who are granted the right to access personal data by law and / or secondary legislation.
The data collected will not be shared but could be transferred outside the European Economic Area ("EEA") to third countries that do not offer the same level of protection required by the EU. In order to protect personal data, we will only carry out such transfers on the basis of (i) a decision of the European Commission allowing it, or (ii) without prejudice to the contractual clauses approved by the EU. The Data Controller has stipulated the standard contractual clauses for the transfer of data from the European Economic Area ("EEA") to third countries, which include the United States.
To obtain a copy of this information or obtain indications of the place where it is available, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) appointed by the company at the following e-mail address: eu-dpo@abbott.com.
Retention of personal data
The personal data processed will be kept for the period of time strictly necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes and in any case for a maximum of 12 months from the collection.
Rights of the data subjects
The data subjects can request information on his/her personal data by writing to the e-mail address eu-dpo@abbott.com. In particular, the data subject may:
To Users:
You agree that, when you register on this site, you will provide accurate personal information without any deficiencies or inconsistencies.
The Company will not use your personal information saved or submitted through this site for any purposes other than reviewing and deciding whether to accept your application.
In addition, the Company will take all necessary and appropriate safety management measures in order to prevent any loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal information.
Personal information will be saved for the purposes of consideration for other potential jobs in our Company, however, you may remove your personal information by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
The Company, as a general rule, will not disclose, leak or provide your personal information to any third parties. However, if necessary, the Company may provide your personal information to Abbott affiliates around the world, and other third parties worldwide that provide Abbott affiliates with products and services (such as recruiting agencies, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers). The Company will monitor such third parties to ensure they do not use your personal information for any purposes other than the above. Furthermore, the Company may provide your personal information to governmental bodies, courts or regulatory authorities pursuant to the laws and regulations.
You should provide your personal information only if you agree with the above.
Я подтверждаю, что, насколько мне известно, информация, предоставленная мной в данном заявлении, является достоверной.
Я разрешаю компании Abbott, а также ее аффилированным лицам, входящим в группу компаний Abbott (далее – Компания) использовать (включая сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, использование, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, передачу, обезличивание, блокирование, удаление или уничтожение) мои персональные данные, такие как фамилия, имя, отчество, пол, адрес проживания, дата рождения, фотография, профессиональная биография, номер телефона, адрес электронной почты, сведения об образовании, собранные на этом сайте, исключительно в целях содействия в трудоустройстве.
Если мое заявление будет успешно принято, мои персональные данные могут быть обработаны и сохранены Компанией в моем файле занятости.
Я разрешаю Компании хранить мои персональные данные для рассмотрения моей кандидатуры и содействия в трудоустройстве в случае появления других вакансий и понимаю, что в любое время могу отозвать мое согласие на обработку персональных данных отправки по электронной почте talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Я также разрешаю при необходимости передавать мои персональные данные в указанных выше целях в аффилированные компании Abbott по всему миру, включая трансграничную передачу в страны не обеспечивающие адекватную защиту персональных данных, привлеченным консультантам Компании и другим, в том числе иностранным, третьим сторонам, предоставляющим компании Abbott продукты и услуги (включая агентства, проводящие отбор кадров и собеседования с кандидатами, поставщиков ИТ-систем, поставщиков программ компенсации и социальной защиты и т. д.), а также контролирующим органам в соответствии с требованиями применимого законодательства. Компания гарантирует, что третьи лица, указанные выше, обрабатывают полученные персональные данные в соответствии с целью и ограничениями, которые были указаны при первоначальном сборе.
Я понимаю, что настоящее согласие действует бессрочно и может быть отозвано мною как в части, так и полностью путем направления уведомления об отзыве на корпоративный электронный адрес Abbott: TA.Russia@abbott,com
Я понимаю смысл данного положения и разрешаю использовать передаваемые мной персональные данные в указанных выше целях.
I certify that, to my knowledge, the information provided by me in this application is accurate.
I authorize Abbott Company and its affiliated companies of Abbott group of companies ( hereinafter – Company) to use (including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, refinement (updating, change), recovery, transfer, anonymization, blocking, removal or destruction), my personal data such as name, gender, date of birth, photo, address, professional biography, education, phone number, e-mail, collected on this site, only to find work. If my application is successfully made, my personal data can be processed and stored in my file of employment.
I agree to keep my personal information for consideration in the case of other vacancies, and understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I also authorize, if necessary to transfer my personal data for the above purposes to other offices of Abbott's worldwide consultants, Abbott and others, including foreigners, including countries which do not provide adequate protection of personal data, to third parties that provide Abbott's products and services (including the agency conducting the selection of personnel interviews with candidates, suppliers of IT systems, software providers compensation and Social Security, etc.) as well as regulatory authorities or at the request of the legislation. Company also confirms that third parties, as described above, obtained personal data processed in accordance with the purpose and limitations that were identified during the initial assembly.
I understand the meaning of this provision and allow me to use the personal data transmitted in the above order.
본인이 기재한 모든 정보는 사실임을 확인합니다.
본인은 한국애보트가 이름, 주소, 학력 및 경력사항과 같은 개인정보를 채용목적으로만 사용하는 것에 동의합니다. 만약 채용되어 애보트에 입사할 경우, 제출된 개인정보는 직원파일에 포함됨을 동의합니다 .
본인은 본인의 개인정보가 데이타 베이스에 저장되어 다른 채용 포지션에도 후보자로 고려될 수 있음에 동의합니다. 또한 본인은 이 웹싸이트의 철회기능을 사용하여 본인의 이력서를 철회할 수 있다는 것을 이해합니다.
본인은 위에 명시된 목적으로, 본인의 개인정보가 전세계에 있는 애보트와 애보트에 제품 및 서비스를 제공하는 어드바이저와 제3자 회사(IT 시스템 공급자, 급여보상 프로그램 벤더, 인터뷰와 이력서 스크린 목적으로 애보트를 위해 일하는 에이전시 등.)와 관리감독기관과 법률적인 요구사항이 있을시 이전될수 있음에 동의합니다.
본인은 위의 목적으로 제출한 개인정보의 사용에 동의하며 명시된 내용을 이해합니다.
Stating that the fact that all the information in person to confirm.
I understand that my name, address, work experience and personal data to be used for recruitment purposes only agree. If, at the time of the incident aeboteue been adopted, submitted personal information to its employees agrees that the file contains.
I understand that my personal information stored in the database, on the other positions open at the time might be considered as a candidate to agree. And, your resume depending on the situation this oepsayiteu understand that withdrawal.
As I stated above, the purpose, because of their personal information in the world to provide Products and Services Abbott aeboteue and third-party company reviews (IT system providers, payroll vendor compensation program, the purpose of interviewing and resume screen aeboteureul working for the agency, etc.) and administrative and supervisory authorities when there is a legal requirement that be to accept earlier.
I am here with the purpose of allowing the use of personal information submitted to, and understand the contents stated herein.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I am about to enter in this application is accurate.
I agree Abbott (SIA Abbott Laboratories Baltics, registration number LV50003693601, 101 Mukusalas street, Riga LV-1004, Latvia, tel. nr +371 7605580, fax +371 7605582) may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. entered by me on this site for recruitment purposes only. Should my application be successful, my personal data that I have disclosed to Abbott via this site may be processed for the purposes of concluding and performing by Abbott my employment contract.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings, for no longer than 2 years following the submission of my application, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com. I further understand that I have right of access to and the right to rectify my personal data by making a request to Abbott.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott around the world, and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott will require that third parties described above will process the received personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and give permission to use the personal data I submit for the above purposes.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I am about to enter in this application is accurate.
I agree Abbott (UAB Abbott Laboratories, registration number 302252348, 92 Zalgirio street, Vilnius LT-09303, Lithuania, tel. nr. +370 5 205 1288, fax +370 5 205 1292) may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. entered by me on this site for recruitment purposes only. Should my application be successful, my personal data that I have disclosed to Abbott via this site may be processed for the purposes of concluding and performing by Abbott my employment contract.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings, for no longer than 2 years following the submission of my application, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com. I further understand that I have right of access to and the right to rectify my personal data by making a request to Abbott.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott around the world, and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott will require that third parties described above will process the received personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and give permission to use the personal data I submit for the above purposes.
(A) New Employees
We have prepared Privacy Notices for both job applicants and permanent/temporary employees in order to obtain their consent to process their personal data for the purposes of employment with Abbott:-
This Privacy Notice for Employees (“Notice”) describes the types of Personal Data (defined below) that Abbott Laboratories (M) Sdn Bhd, (“hereinafter referred to as "Abbott", “we” or “us” or “our”) collects about you, the purposes for collecting and using such information, the classes of third parties to whom we may disclose your Personal Data and the choices and means we offer you for limiting its use and disclosure.
We collect and process personal data of employees (collectively, “Personal Data”), including without limitation your:-
We may also process Personal Data which is considered ‘sensitive’ by applicable laws, including but not limited to Personal Data relating to your health, political opinions, religious and philosophical beliefs, commission or alleged commission of any offence and court ordered actions (collectively, “Sensitive Personal Data”). Personal Data shall include Sensitive Personal Data for the purpose of this Notice.
Your Personal Data may be used for the following purposes (collectively, “Purpose”):-
We may obtain Personal Data from you directly or from third parties in connection with: -
We may transfer Personal Data to any of our related companies within [the Abbott group of companies] which may be located in another country. We may also disclose your Personal Data to third parties (such as service providers) for the Purpose, reportorial requirements with various government agencies and for law enforcement, judicial or administrative proceedings and the coordination and management of disciplinary actions and related investigations. We may also disclose your Personal Data when we are required to do so by law or in the context of a merger or acquisition transaction. In the event that we engage external service providers, specific security and confidentiality safeguards have been put in place to ensure your personal data protection rights remain unaffected. If we are contacted by any organizations or institutions, including banks or advocates and solicitors or your future employers conducting reference checks, to verify and/or seek references with respect to your employment with us and your Personal Data thereto for commercial purposes, you consent to us verifying and disclosing the same.
We and our authorized representatives or agents may preserve, monitor, access, duplicate and/or examine records, documents and other information, including e-mail correspondence, sales workforce call notes, internet log files, security badge-reader data, and similar data, residing on our networks, computers, and other electronic devices used by employees and/or contract hires. Some of these materials may contain Personal Data relating to you. We will only do so where there are reasons for doing so, including situations where we must protect our legal rights and interests, investigate suspected violations of law or internal policies, or respond to valid law enforcement requests, and only where and in the manner permitted by law. We will apply due care to ensure that our efforts are targeted and proportionate, and will try to exclude, to the greatest extent practicable, irrelevant materials or information.
You may make inquiries and complaints, request for access to or correction of your Personal Data or limit the processing thereof at any time hereafter by submitting such request to Abbott by contacting Abbott Talent Acquisition via telephone at +1 (877) 228-4707, via fax at +1 224-668-2562, via e-mail at TalentAcquisition@abbott.com or via mail at 100 Abbott Park Road, AP6B Floor 1, Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA.
You represent and warrant that the consent of third parties (e.g. emergency contact persons and references) whose personal data you have provided in this Application for Employment form and disclosed to Abbott have been sufficiently obtained in order to allow Abbott to process the same in relation to the Purpose.
Please note that it will be necessary for us to process your Personal Data for the Purpose, without which we will not be able to employ you.
I have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Notice and consent to the processing of my Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data as described above.
As an applicant for a position at Abbott (M) Sdn Bhd ("Abbott"), you consent to the use and processing of any and all of your personal data, including without limitation those provided in this Application Form, your Curriculum Vitae and any other personal data that you may provide during the job application process to Abbott (collectively, “Personal Data”) for the purposes of processing of your job application and evaluating your qualifications and eligibility for the vacancy, contacting you, such as by telephone or e-mail, with a decision in relation to your job application, and/or maintaining Abbott's recruitment records (collectively, “Purpose”).
Abbott also wishes to inform you that your Personal Data may be disclosed to Abbott's affiliates and other members of the [Abbott's group of companies] which may be located outside Malaysia and to third parties, such as authorized service providers and governmental agencies, for reasons relating to the Purpose.
Abbott may also process information relating to your physical health or condition ("Sensitive Personal Data") for the purposes described above.
If a decision has been made not to hire you, Abbott may retain your Personal Data for up to 2 years for the purpose of considering you for various other vacancies and engagements, after which Abbott will destroy or permanently delete your Personal Data. If you have been hired, you may be required to provide fresh consent for Abbott‘s processing of your Personal Data for purposes of your employment or engagement with Abbott.
You may make inquiries and complaints, request for access to or correction of your Personal Data or limit the processing thereof at any time hereafter by submitting such request to Abbott by contacting Abbott Talent Acquisition via telephone at +1 (877) 228-4707, via fax at +1 224-668-2562, via e-mail at TalentAcquisition@abbott.com or via mail at 100 Abbott Park Road, AP6B Floor 1, Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA.
Please note that it will be necessary for Abbott to process your Personal Data for the Purpose, without which it will not be able to consider your job application.
You represent and warrant that the consent of third parties (e.g. emergency contact persons and references) whose personal data you have provided in this Application for Employment form and disclosed to Abbott have been sufficiently obtained in order to allow Abbott to process the same in relation to the Purpose.
I have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Notice and consent to the processing of my Personal Data as described above.
As the personal data of third parties such as referees and family members may be provided to Abbott, we would advise incorporating a warranty in the Privacy Notice as it would be impracticable to obtain the consent of such third parties.
(B) Existing Employees
We have prepared a Privacy Notice to be executed by all existing employees in order to obtain their consent to process their personal data for the purposes of employment with Abbott. Kindly refer to the Privacy Notice attached in Paragraph 3.1.
We have also prepared a Privacy Notice to be issued to Abbott's existing job applicants: -
Abbott Laboratories (M) Sdn Bhd ("Abbott"), respects the privacy of individuals and the use of their personal data. Personal data provided (including without limitation those provided in the Application Form, your Curriculum Vitae and any other personal data that you may have provided during the job application process to Abbott (collectively known as “Personal Data”) is recorded, stored or otherwise processed by Abbott for the purposes of processing of your job application and evaluating your qualifications and eligibility for the vacancy; contacting you, such as by telephone or e-mail, with a decision in relation to your job application; and/or maintaining Abbott's recruitment records (collectively, “Purpose”).
Abbott also wishes to inform you that your Personal Data may be disclosed to Abbott's affiliates and other members of the [Abbott group of companies] which may be located outside Malaysia and to third parties, such as service providers and governmental agencies, for reasons relating to the Purpose.
Abbott may also process information relating to your physical health or condition ("Sensitive Personal Data") for the purposes described above.
Although a decision was previously made not to hire you, Abbott would like to retain your Personal Data for up to 5 years for the purpose of considering you with respect to various other vacancies and engagements, after which Abbott will destroy or permanently delete your Personal Data. Please let us know if you are disagreeable to this, and we will destroy or permanently delete your Personal Data.
You may make inquiries and complaints, request for access to or correction of your Personal Data or limit the processing thereof at any time hereafter by submitting such request to Abbott by contacting Abbott Talent Acquisition via telephone at +1 (877) 228-4707, via fax at +1 224-668-2562, via e-mail at TalentAcquisition@abbott.com or via mail at 100 Abbott Park Road, AP6B Floor 1, Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA.
You represent and warrant that the consent of third parties (e.g. emergency contact persons and references) whose personal data you have provided in this Application for Employment form and disclosed to Abbott have been sufficiently obtained in order to allow Abbott to process the same in relation to the Purpose.
We trust that you will consent and agree to the terms above with respect to the processing of your Personal Data by Abbott. [If we do not receive any response from you on the above, we shall assume that you are agreeable to the same]**.
I have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Notice and consent to the processing of my Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data as described above.
We note that Abbott's employees and job applicants may disclose sensitive personal data to Abbott. If Abbott wishes to retain the personal data of unsuccessful job applicants, and not destroy or permanently delete such data, consent of these existing employees and applicants needs to be obtained. As this would not be practical in the circumstances, we would suggest Abbott redact or delete the portions which disclose sensitive personal data.
(A) New Employees
We have prepared Privacy Notices for both job applicants and permanent/temporary employees in order to obtain their consent to process their personal data for the purposes of employment with Abbott:-
This Privacy Notice for Employees (“Notice”) describes the types of Personal Data (defined below) that Abbott Laboratories (M) Sdn Bhd, (“hereinafter referred to as "Abbott", “we” or “us” or “our”) collects about you, the purposes for collecting and using such information, the classes of third parties to whom we may disclose your Personal Data and the choices and means we offer you for limiting its use and disclosure.
We collect and process personal data of employees (collectively, “Personal Data”), including without limitation your:-
We may also process Personal Data which is considered ‘sensitive’ by applicable laws, including but not limited to Personal Data relating to your health, political opinions, religious and philosophical beliefs, commission or alleged commission of any offence and court ordered actions (collectively, “Sensitive Personal Data”). Personal Data shall include Sensitive Personal Data for the purpose of this Notice.
Your Personal Data may be used for the following purposes (collectively, “Purpose”):-
We may obtain Personal Data from you directly or from third parties in connection with: -
We may transfer Personal Data to any of our related companies within [the Abbott group of companies] which may be located in another country. We may also disclose your Personal Data to third parties (such as service providers) for the Purpose, reportorial requirements with various government agencies and for law enforcement, judicial or administrative proceedings and the coordination and management of disciplinary actions and related investigations. We may also disclose your Personal Data when we are required to do so by law or in the context of a merger or acquisition transaction. In the event that we engage external service providers, specific security and confidentiality safeguards have been put in place to ensure your personal data protection rights remain unaffected. If we are contacted by any organizations or institutions, including banks or advocates and solicitors or your future employers conducting reference checks, to verify and/or seek references with respect to your employment with us and your Personal Data thereto for commercial purposes, you consent to us verifying and disclosing the same.
We and our authorized representatives or agents may preserve, monitor, access, duplicate and/or examine records, documents and other information, including e-mail correspondence, sales workforce call notes, internet log files, security badge-reader data, and similar data, residing on our networks, computers, and other electronic devices used by employees and/or contract hires. Some of these materials may contain Personal Data relating to you. We will only do so where there are reasons for doing so, including situations where we must protect our legal rights and interests, investigate suspected violations of law or internal policies, or respond to valid law enforcement requests, and only where and in the manner permitted by law. We will apply due care to ensure that our efforts are targeted and proportionate, and will try to exclude, to the greatest extent practicable, irrelevant materials or information.
You may make inquiries and complaints, request for access to or correction of your Personal Data or limit the processing thereof at any time hereafter by submitting such request to Abbott by contacting Abbott Talent Acquisition via telephone at +1 (877) 228-4707, via fax at +1 224-668-2562, via e-mail at TalentAcquisition@abbott.com or via mail at 100 Abbott Park Road, AP6B Floor 1, Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA.
You represent and warrant that the consent of third parties (e.g. emergency contact persons and references) whose personal data you have provided in this Application for Employment form and disclosed to Abbott have been sufficiently obtained in order to allow Abbott to process the same in relation to the Purpose.
Please note that it will be necessary for us to process your Personal Data for the Purpose, without which we will not be able to employ you.
I have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Notice and consent to the processing of my Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data as described above.
As an applicant for a position at Abbott (M) Sdn Bhd ("Abbott"), you consent to the use and processing of any and all of your personal data, including without limitation those provided in this Application Form, your Curriculum Vitae and any other personal data that you may provide during the job application process to Abbott (collectively, “Personal Data”) for the purposes of processing of your job application and evaluating your qualifications and eligibility for the vacancy, contacting you, such as by telephone or e-mail, with a decision in relation to your job application, and/or maintaining Abbott's recruitment records (collectively, “Purpose”).
Abbott also wishes to inform you that your Personal Data may be disclosed to Abbott's affiliates and other members of the [Abbott's group of companies] which may be located outside Malaysia and to third parties, such as authorized service providers and governmental agencies, for reasons relating to the Purpose.
Abbott may also process information relating to your physical health or condition ("Sensitive Personal Data") for the purposes described above.
If a decision has been made not to hire you, Abbott may retain your Personal Data for up to 2 years for the purpose of considering you for various other vacancies and engagements, after which Abbott will destroy or permanently delete your Personal Data. If you have been hired, you may be required to provide fresh consent for Abbott‘s processing of your Personal Data for purposes of your employment or engagement with Abbott.
You may make inquiries and complaints, request for access to or correction of your Personal Data or limit the processing thereof at any time hereafter by submitting such request to Abbott by contacting Abbott Talent Acquisition via telephone at +1 (877) 228-4707, via fax at +1 224-668-2562, via e-mail at TalentAcquisition@abbott.com or via mail at 100 Abbott Park Road, AP6B Floor 1, Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA.
Please note that it will be necessary for Abbott to process your Personal Data for the Purpose, without which it will not be able to consider your job application.
You represent and warrant that the consent of third parties (e.g. emergency contact persons and references) whose personal data you have provided in this Application for Employment form and disclosed to Abbott have been sufficiently obtained in order to allow Abbott to process the same in relation to the Purpose.
I have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Notice and consent to the processing of my Personal Data as described above.
As the personal data of third parties such as referees and family members may be provided to Abbott, we would advise incorporating a warranty in the Privacy Notice as it would be impracticable to obtain the consent of such third parties.
(B) Existing Employees
We have prepared a Privacy Notice to be executed by all existing employees in order to obtain their consent to process their personal data for the purposes of employment with Abbott. Kindly refer to the Privacy Notice attached in Paragraph 3.1.
We have also prepared a Privacy Notice to be issued to Abbott's existing job applicants: -
Abbott Laboratories (M) Sdn Bhd ("Abbott"), respects the privacy of individuals and the use of their personal data. Personal data provided (including without limitation those provided in the Application Form, your Curriculum Vitae and any other personal data that you may have provided during the job application process to Abbott (collectively known as “Personal Data”) is recorded, stored or otherwise processed by Abbott for the purposes of processing of your job application and evaluating your qualifications and eligibility for the vacancy; contacting you, such as by telephone or e-mail, with a decision in relation to your job application; and/or maintaining Abbott's recruitment records (collectively, “Purpose”).
Abbott also wishes to inform you that your Personal Data may be disclosed to Abbott's affiliates and other members of the [Abbott group of companies] which may be located outside Malaysia and to third parties, such as service providers and governmental agencies, for reasons relating to the Purpose.
Abbott may also process information relating to your physical health or condition ("Sensitive Personal Data") for the purposes described above.
Although a decision was previously made not to hire you, Abbott would like to retain your Personal Data for up to 5 years for the purpose of considering you with respect to various other vacancies and engagements, after which Abbott will destroy or permanently delete your Personal Data. Please let us know if you are disagreeable to this, and we will destroy or permanently delete your Personal Data.
You may make inquiries and complaints, request for access to or correction of your Personal Data or limit the processing thereof at any time hereafter by submitting such request to Abbott by contacting Abbott Talent Acquisition via telephone at +1 (877) 228-4707, via fax at +1 224-668-2562, via e-mail at TalentAcquisition@abbott.com or via mail at 100 Abbott Park Road, AP6B Floor 1, Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA.
You represent and warrant that the consent of third parties (e.g. emergency contact persons and references) whose personal data you have provided in this Application for Employment form and disclosed to Abbott have been sufficiently obtained in order to allow Abbott to process the same in relation to the Purpose.
We trust that you will consent and agree to the terms above with respect to the processing of your Personal Data by Abbott. [If we do not receive any response from you on the above, we shall assume that you are agreeable to the same]**.
I have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Notice and consent to the processing of my Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data as described above.
We note that Abbott's employees and job applicants may disclose sensitive personal data to Abbott. If Abbott wishes to retain the personal data of unsuccessful job applicants, and not destroy or permanently delete such data, consent of these existing employees and applicants needs to be obtained. As this would not be practical in the circumstances, we would suggest Abbott redact or delete the portions which disclose sensitive personal data.
I confirm that all the information that I am close (a) to provide in this application is correct. I agree with that Abbott may use my personal data such as name, address, employment history, and others provided in this document, with the sole purpose of my employment at the company.
I agree that my personal data be kept current in the register of Abbott to be considered (if the emergence of new career opportunities) and understand that I can withdraw my application at any time by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree that my personal data may, if necessary, be transferred to other affiliates of Abbott in the world, advisers and / or third parties that provide products and / or services (research agencies, interviewers, system suppliers information providers, compensation and benefits programs) for the purposes described above. In addition, Abbott will provide my personal data to regulatory authorities or others as required by law. Abbott asked to third parties receiving my personal data to process them according to the purpose for which they were hired and within the limits under which it was collected initially.
I understand this statement and through this electronic signature authorized the use of my personal data for the purposes described above.
Candidates that apply to any position in Mexico, please be aware that the personal data provided to ABBOTT is protected, according to our Data Privacy Policy, which can be accessed through our web site www.ensure.comn.mx. Providing your personal data implies your acceptance of the terms and conditions of that policy.
Verklaring omtrent persoonlijke gegevens
Ik bevestig dat, naar mijn beste weten, de informatie die ik bij deze sollicitatie opgeef accuraat is.
Ik ga ermee akkoord dat Abbott uitsluitend ten behoeve van personeelswerving gebruik mag maken van mijn persoonlijke gegevens, zoals naam, adres en arbeidsverleden, die op deze site zijn verzameld. Indien mijn sollicitatie een goede afloop heeft, mogen mijn persoonlijke gegevens worden verwerkt in mijn arbeidsdossier.
Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn persoonlijke gegevens in verband met overige vacatures in het dossier blijven en ik begrijp dat ik mijn cv mag terugnemen door te mailen talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Ik ga er verder mee akkoord dat mijn persoonlijke gegevens, indien dit noodzakelijk is in verband met de bovenstaande doeleinden, mogen worden overgedragen aan Abbott (overal ter wereld) en haar adviseurs en overige derden wereldwijd die Abbott voorzien van producten en services (zoals bureaus die ons van dienst zijn bij het screenen van en voeren van sollicitatiegesprekken met beoogde medewerkers, leveranciers van IT-systemen, aanbieders van vergoedings- en bonusplannen enzovoort) en aan regelgevende instanties of zoals wettelijk is bepaald. Abbott vereist dat de hierboven beschreven derden de door hen ontvangen persoonlijke gegevens verwerken in overeenstemming met het doel en binnen de grenzen op grond waarvan de gegevens oorspronkelijk zijn verzameld.
Ik begrijp deze verklaring en ik geef toestemming voor gebruik van de persoonlijke gegevens die ik opgeef in verband met de bovenstaande bedoelingen. Verklaring omtrent persoonlijke gegevens.
Ik bevestig dat, naar mijn beste weten, de informatie die ik bij deze sollicitatie opgeef accuraat is.
Ik ga ermee akkoord dat Abbott uitsluitend ten behoeve van personeelswerving gebruik mag maken van mijn persoonlijke gegevens, zoals naam, adres en arbeidsverleden, die op deze site zijn verzameld. Indien mijn sollicitatie een goede afloop heeft, mogen mijn persoonlijke gegevens worden verwerkt in mijn arbeidsdossier.
Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn persoonlijke gegevens in verband met overige vacatures in het dossier blijven en ik begrijp dat ik mijn cv mag terugnemen door middel van de functie Intrekking op deze website.
Ik ga er verder mee akkoord dat mijn persoonlijke gegevens, indien dit noodzakelijk is in verband met de bovenstaande doeleinden, mogen worden overgedragen aan Abbott (overal ter wereld) en haar adviseurs en overige derden wereldwijd die Abbott voorzien van producten en services (zoals bureaus die ons van dienst zijn bij het screenen van en voeren van sollicitatiegesprekken met beoogde medewerkers, leveranciers van IT-systemen, aanbieders van vergoedings- en bonusplannen enzovoort) en aan regelgevende instanties of zoals wettelijk is bepaald. Abbott vereist dat de hierboven beschreven derden de door hen ontvangen persoonlijke gegevens verwerken in overeenstemming met het doel en binnen de grenzen op grond waarvan de gegevens oorspronkelijk zijn verzameld.
Ik begrijp deze verklaring en ik geef toestemming voor gebruik van de persoonlijke gegevens die ik opgeef in verband met de bovenstaande bedoelingen.
I agree that my personal information in connection with other vacancies remain in the file and I understand that I may withdraw my resume tby emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I will further agree that my personal data if this is necessary in connection with the above purposes may be transferred to Abbott (worldwide) and its consultants and other third parties worldwide that Abbott with products and services (such as agencies serve us in screening and interviewing with targeted employees, suppliers of IT systems, providers of compensation and bonus plans, etc.) and to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott described above requires that the parties which they have received personal data processing in accordance with the purposes and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and I give permission to use the personal information I provide in connection with the above intentions.
Statement on Personal Data
I certify that, to my best knowledge, the information I give up on this application is accurate.
I agree that Abbott exclusively for recruitment may use my personal information such as name, address and employment history, on this site are collected. If my application has a happy ending, my personal data may be processed in my work file.
I agree that my personal information in connection with other vacancies remain in the file and I understand that I may withdraw my resume through the Withdraw feature on this website.
I will further agree that my personal data if this is necessary in connection with the above purposes may be transferred to Abbott (worldwide) and its consultants and other third parties worldwide that Abbott with products and services (such as agencies serve us in screening and interviewing with targeted employees, suppliers of IT systems, providers of compensation and bonus plans, etc.) and to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott described above requires that the parties which they have received personal data processing in accordance with the purposes and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and I give permission to use the personal information I provide in connection with the above intentions.
Erklæring vedrørende persondata
Jeg bekrefter at informasjonen som jeg er i ferd med å legge inn i denne søknaden, er korrekt.
Jeg samtykker i at Abbott kan bruke mine persondata, som navn, adresse, arbeidshistorikk osv, innsamlet gjennom denne nettsiden, kun for rekrutteringsformål. Skulle søknaden lede til ansettelse, kan mine persondata behandles og oppbevares i min personalfolder.
Jeg samtykker i at mine persondata kan oppbevares på fil for vurdering for andre stillingsutlysninger, og jeg er innforstått med at jeg kan trekke hente CV på nytt via e-post talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Jeg samtykker videre i at mine persondata, om nødvendig for ovennevnte formål, kan overføres til Abbott i andre deler av verden, og til deres rådgivere og andre tredjeparter i verden som leverer produkter og tjenester til Abbott (som byråer som bistår i forhåndstesting og intervjuing av potensielle arbeidstagere, IT-systemleverandører, leverandører av godtgjørelse- og velferdsprogrammer, osv) samt myndighetsorganer eller som pålagt av loven. Abbott vil kreve at tredjepartene beskrevet ovenfor, behandler de mottatte persondataene i henhold til formålet og innenfor grensene for den opprinnelige innsamlingen av disse dataene.
Jeg forstår denne erklæringen, og gir tillatelse til å bruke de persondataene jeg har sendt inn for de ovennevnte formålene.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I am about to enter in this application is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc., collected through this website only for recruitment purposes. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file.
I agree that my personal data can be kept on file for consideration for other job announcements, and I understand that I may withdraw my CV by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I further agree that my personal data, if necessary for the above purposes, may be transferred to Abbott in other parts of the world, and to their advisers and other third parties in the world to deliver products and services to Abbott (such as agencies that assist in pre-testing and interviewing of potential employees, IT systems suppliers, suppliers of remuneration and welfare programs, etc.) as well as government agencies or as required by law. Abbott will require that third parties described above, treats the personal data in accordance with the purposes and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement, and give permission to use the personal data I have submitted for the above purposes.
Confirmo que toda la información que estoy próximo(a) a facilitar en esta solicitud es correcta. Estoy de acuerdo con que Abbott pueda utilizar mis datos personales como nombre, dirección, historial de empleo y otros, facilitados en este documento, con el único propósito de mi contratación en la compañía.
Estoy de acuerdo con que mis datos personales se mantengan vigentes en el registro de Abbottpara ser considerado (en caso que surjan nuevas oportunidades profesionales) y entiendo que puedo retirar mi candidatura en cualquier momento utilizando talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Estoy de acuerdo con que mis datos personales puedan, de ser necesario, ser transferidos a otras afiliadas de Abbott en el mundo, a asesores y/o terceros que les proporcionen productos y/o servicios (agencias de investigación, entrevistadores, proveedores de sistemas de información, proveedores de programas de compensación y beneficios) para los propósitos descritos arriba. Además, Abbott podrá facilitar mis datos personales a autoridades regulatorias u otros, según lo exija la ley. Abbott solicitará a los terceros que reciban mis datos personales que procesen los mismos de acuerdo al propósito para el cual fueron contratados y dentro de los límites bajo los cuales fueron recopilados inicialmente.
Entiendo este enunciado y autorizo el uso de mis datos personales facilitados para los fines descritos arriba.
A los candidatos que apliquen para alguna posición en Paraguay, les informamos que los datos personales recabados por ABBOTT están protegidos de acuerdo a nuestro aviso de privacidad, el cual podrá consultar en nuestra página de Internet. El proporcionar su información personal indicará su aceptación y consentimiento respecto a los términos y condiciones de dicho aviso.
I confirm that all the information that I am close (a) to provide in this application is correct. I agree with that Abbott may use my personal data such as name, address, employment history, and others provided in this document, with the sole purpose of my employment at the company.
I agree that my personal data be kept current in the register of Abbott to be considered (if the emergence of new career opportunities) and understand that I can withdraw my application at any time by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree that my personal data may, if necessary, be transferred to other affiliates of Abbott in the world, advisers and / or third parties that provide products and / or services (research agencies, interviewers, system suppliers information providers, compensation and benefits programs) for the purposes described above. In addition, Abbott will provide my personal data to regulatory authorities or others as required by law. Abbott asked to third parties receiving my personal data to process them according to the purpose for which they were hired and within the limits under which it was collected initially.
I understand this statement and authorized the use of my personal data for the purposes described above.
Candidates that apply to any position in Paraguay, please be aware that the personal data provided to ABBOTT is protected, according to our Data Privacy Policy, which can be accessed through our web site. Providing your personal data implies your acceptance of the terms and conditions of that policy.
Oświadczenie o wykorzystaniu danych osobowych
Potwierdzam, że według mojej wiedzy, informacje, które wprowadzam w niniejszej aplikacji, są zgodne z prawdą.
Wyrażam zgodę na użycie przez firmę Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp z o.o. z siedzibą przy ul. Postępu 21B, 02-676 Warszawa, moich danych osobowych, takich jak imię i nazwisko, adres, historia zatrudnienia itd. zgromadzonych w niniejszym serwisie wyłącznie do celów rekrutacji. Jeśli moja aplikacja zostanie rozpatrzona pozytywnie, moje dane osobowe będą mogły być w dalszym ciągu przetwarzane w celu utworzenia mojej kartoteki.
Wyrażam zgodę na przechowywanie moich danych osobowych w celu ich rozpatrywania w kontekście innych ofert pracy i rozumiem, że mam możliwość usunięcia informacji o Tobie przez e-mail talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Zgadzam się również, aby moje dane osobowe, jeśli zajdzie taka potrzeba dla powyższych celów, były przesyłane do placówek firmy Abbott na całym świecie oraz jej doradców i innych stron trzecich, będących dostawcami produktów i usług (np. agencji wspomagających firmę Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp z o.o. z siedzibą przy ul. Postępu 21B, 02-676 Warszawa w badaniu i przeprowadzaniu rozmów kwalifikacyjnych z przyszłymi pracownikami, dostawców systemów informatycznych, podmiotów oferujących programy wynagrodzeń i korzyści itd.), jak również do organów administracyjnych lub na skutek odpowiedniego obowiązku prawnego. Firma Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp z o.o. z siedzibą przy ul. Postępu 21B, 02-676 Warszawa zobowiąże takie strony trzecie wskazane powyżej do przetwarzania przekazanych danych osobowych w celu i w ramach zakresu, w jakim dane zostały zebrane.
Rozumiem niniejsze oświadczenie i wyrażam zgodę na wykorzystanie przedstawionych przeze mnie danych osobowych do powyższych celów.
I confirm that to my knowledge, the information that I introduce in this application are true.
I agree to the use by Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp z oo located at ul. Progress 21B, 02-676 Warsaw, my personal information such as name, address, employment history, etc. collected on this site solely for recruitment purposes. If my application is considered favorably, my personal data can be further processed to create my file.
I agree to keep my personal data for their consideration in the context of other jobs and I understand that I can remove information about yourself by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I also agree that my personal information if required for that purpose, were sent to Abbott's offices around the world and its consultants and other third parties who are suppliers of products and services (eg supporting agency Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp z oo with its registered office at ul. Progress 21B, 02-676 Warsaw in the study and conducting interviews with prospective employees, suppliers of IT systems, companies offering pay and benefits programs, etc.), as well as administrative authorities or by an appropriate legal obligation. Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp z o.o. located at ul. Progress 21B, 02-676 Warszawa commit such third parties mentioned above for the processing of personal data transmitted to and within the extent to which the data were collected.
I understand this statement and agree to the use of out of my personal data for these purposes.
Declaração dos Dados Pessoais. Confirmo que, de acordo com o meu melhor conhecimento, a informação que introduzi no processo de candidaura é correcta.
Concordo que a Abbott pode usar os meus dados pessoias, como nome, morada, experiência profissional, recolhidos neste site para fins de recrutamento. Se a minha candidatura for aceite, os meus dados pessoais podem ser processados no meu processo de contratação.
Concordo que os meus dados pessoais podem ser mantidos nos ficheiros e ser considerados para outras oportunidades de emprego e declaro ter perfeito conhecimento que posso retirar o meu CV enviando um e-mail talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Concordo mais, que os meus dados pessoais podem ser, se necessário para os fins referidos, transferidos para outras filiais do Abbott, em qualquer parte do mundo, seus consultores, terceiras parte que forneçam produtos e serviços ao Abbott (como agências que auxiliem o Abbott na triagem de CVs, entrevista de candidatos, fornecedores de TI, fornecedores de programas de benefícios, etc.), bem como para autoridades regulamentares. A Abbott exigirá que as terceiras partes mencionadas processem os dados pessoais recebidos de acordo com os fins para que foram obtidos e dentro dos limites estabelecidos na sua recolha.
Declaro ter perfeito entendimento sobre o conteúdo desta declaração e autorizo o uso dos dados pessoais que submeto para os fins acima referidos.
I confirm that, according to the best of my knowledge, the information introduced in the application of candidate is correct.
I agree that Abbott can use my personal data, such as name, address, work experience, collected at this site for recruitment purposes. If my application is accepted, my personal data can be processed in my hiring process.
I agree that my personal data can be kept on file and be considered for other employment opportunities and declare that I have full knowledge that I can withdraw my CV by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree, that my personal data, if necessary for the above purposes, might be transferred to other subsidiaries of Abbott, anywhere in the world, its consultants, third party who provides products and services to Abbott (such as agencies that help Abbott creening resumes, interviewing candidates, vendors, suppliers benefit programs, etc.), as well as regulatory authorities. Abbott will require to the third parties above mentioned to process the personal data received in accordance with the purposes for which it was obtained and within the limits set in your collection.
I declare to have perfect understanding of the content of this statement and consent the use of personal data that I submit for the above purposes
Я подтверждаю, что, насколько мне известно, информация, предоставленная мной в данном заявлении, является достоверной.
Я разрешаю ООО «Эбботт Лэбораториз» расположенному по адресу Россия, Москва, Ленинградское шоссе 16а а таакже афиилированным лицам ООО «Эбботт Лэборааториз» входящим в группу компаний Abbott (далее – Компания) использовать (включая сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, использование, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, передачу, обезличивание, блокирование, удаление или уничтожение) мои персональные данные, такие как фамилия, имя, отчество, пол, адрес проживания, дата рождения, фотография, профессиональная биография, номер телефона, адрес электронной почты, сведения об образовании, собранные на этом сайте, исключительно в целях содействия в трудоустройстве.
Если мое заявление будет успешно принято, мои персональные данные могут быть обработаны и сохранены Компанией в моем файле занятости.
Я разрешаю Компании хранить мои персональные данные для рассмотрения моей кандидатуры и соедйствия в трудоустройстве в случае появления других вакансий и понимаю, что в любое время могу отозвать мое согласие на обработку персональных данных с помощью talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Я также разрешаю при необходимости передавать мои персональные данные в указанных выше целях в афиилированные компании Abbott по всему миру, включая трансграничную передачу в страны не обестечивающие адекватную защиту пресональных данных,привлеченным консультантам Компании и другим, в том числе иностранным, третьим сторонам, предоставляющим компании Abbott продукты и услуги (включая агентства, проводящие отбор кадров и собеседования с кандидатами, поставщиков ИТ-систем, поставщиков программ компенсации и социальной защиты и т. д.), а также контролирующим органам в соответсвии с требованиями применимого законодательства. Компания Abbott гарантирует, что третьи лица,указанные выше, обрабатывают полученные персональные данные в соответствии с целью и ограничениями, которые были указаны при первоначальном сборе.
Я понимаю, что настоящее согласие действует бессрочно и может быть отозвано мною как в части, так и польностью путем направления уведомления об отзыве на корпоративный электронный адрес Abbott: TA.Russia@abbott,com
Я понимаю смысл данного положения и разрешаю использовать передаваемые мной персональные данные в указанных выше целях.
I certify that, to my knowledge, the information provided by me in this application is accurate.
I authorize LLC “Abbott Laboratories” located on Leningradskoe shosse 16a, Moscow, Russia and its affiliated companies of Abbott group of companies ( hereinafter – Company) the use of (including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, refinement (updating, change), recovery, transfer, anonymization, blocking, removal or destruction), my personal data such as name, gender, date of birth, photo, address, professional biography, education, phone number, e-mail, collected on this site, only to find work. If my application is successfully made, my personal data can be processed and stored in my file of employment.
I agree to keep my personal information for consideration in the case of other vacancies, and understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I also authorize, if necessary to transfer my personal data for the above purposes to other offices of Abbott's worldwide consultants, Abbott and others, including foreigners, including countries whicd do not provide adequate protection of personal data, to third parties that provide Abbott's products and services (including the agency conducting the selection of personnel interviews with candidates, suppliers of IT systems, software providers compensation and Social Security, etc.) as well as regulatory authorities or at the request of the legislation. Abbott also require that third parties, as described above, the obtained personal data processed in accordance with the purpose and limitations that were identified during the initial assembly.
I understand the meaning of this provision and allow me to use the personal data transmitted in the above order.
Potvrđujem da su, prema mom saznanju, podaci koje ću uneti u ovu prijavu tačni.
Saglasan/na sam da Abbott sme koristiti moje lične podatke, kao što su ime i prezime, adresa, radno iskustvo, itd., na ovim web-stranicama samo u svrhu traženja zaposlenog. Ako moja prijava bude uspešna, moji lični podaci smeju se obraditi i priložiti mom radnom dosijeu.
Saglasan/na sam sa čuvanjem mojih ličnih podataka u arhivi za potrebe ostalih poslovnih ponuda stoga shvatam da imam pravo povući svoju biografiju email talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Štaviše, saglasan/na sam s prenosom mojih ličnih podataka, u slučaju potrebe zbog gore navedenih razloga, poslovnim jedinicama kompanije Abbott širom sveta, njihovim savetnicima i ostalim trećim stranama širom sveta koje im nude proizvode i usluge (poput agencija koje nam pomažu u odabiru i intervjuisanju potencijalnih kandidata za posao, pružaoca IT sistema, pružaoca programa kompenzacija i beneficija, itd), kao i zakonodavnim telima, ako to nalaže zakon. Abbott će zahtevati da gore pomenute treće strane obrađuju primljene lične podatke u skladu s njihovom namenom i ograničenjima pod kojima su ti podaci prvobitno prikupljeni.
Razumeo/la sam ovu izjavu i dopuštam korištenje mojih ličnih podataka u gore navedene svrhe.
On the best of my knowledge I certify that the information I gave is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal information such as name, address, work experience, etc., on this website only for the purpose of seeking employees. If my application is successful, the personal data may be processed and submitted in my work file.
I agree to keep my personal information in the file for other job offers, and I realize that I have the right to withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Furthermore, I agree I to transfer my personal data, if necessary for the above reasons, to the Abbott business units around the world, their advisors and other third parties around the world that they offer products and services (such as agencies that help us in selecting and interviewing potential candidates for the job, IT systems provider, the provider of compensation and benefits, etc), as well as legislative bodies, if required by law. Abbott will require that the above mentioned third parties process the received personal information in accordance with their purpose and limitations under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and allow the use of my personal data for the above purposes.
Súhlasím s tým, aby spoločnosť Abbott spravovala, spracovala, evidovala a uchovávala moje osobné údaje, ako je meno, adresa, pracovné skúsenosti a iné. uvedené na tejto stránke a to výlučne na náborové účely spoločnosti a v súlade so zákonom č. 428/2002 Z.z,. Zároveň súhlasím s evidenciou a spracovaním poskytnutých údajov oprávnenými osobami spoločnosti Abbott za účelom a v rozsahu, ktorý je potrebný pre realizáciu výberového konania na pracovnú pozíciu o ktorú sa uchádzam alebo pre inú pracovnú pozíciu v rámci spoločnosti Abbott, alebo na účely zavedenia predzmluvných vzťahov v súlade s § 7 ods. 4 písm. b) zákona č. 428/2002 Z.z..
Taktiež súhlasím, aby sa prenos mojich osobných údajov uskutočňoval aj do tretích krajín, ktoré nezaručujú primeranú úroveň ochrany osobných údajov, pričom spoločnosť Abbott bude pri prenose osobných údajov rešpektovať všetky povinnosti vyplývajúce zo zákona č. 428/2002 Z.z, najmä zabezpečí, aby boli osobné údaje spracované výlučne za účelom a v rozsahu, v akom boli tieto údaje poskytnuté. Spoločnosť Abbott zároveň zabezpečí, že tretia osoba (oprávnená osoba) v cieľovej krajine bude spracúvať osobné údaje v súlade s právnym poriadkom tejto cieľovej krajiny. Zoznam všetkých tretích krajín, do ktorých môže byť prenos osobných údajov uskutočnený je možné nájsť na webovej stránke spoločnosti Abbott v sekcii „Pracovné príležitosti“ (Careers) v podsekcii „Štáty pôsobnosti“ (Global locations).
Som si vedomý skutočnosti, že súhlas so spracovaním, správou a uchovávaním osobných údajov môžem kedykoľvek odvolať prostredníctvom e-mailu talentacquisition@abbott.com. V prípade odvolania tohto súhlasu budú všetky získané osobné údaje spoločnosťou Abbott zlikvidované.
Rozumiem tomuto vyhláseniu a udeľujem svoj súhlas s použitím osobných údajov, ktoré som uviedol/uviedla na vyššie uvedené účely. Vyhlasujem, že som si vedomý práv vyplývajúcich z § 20 zákona č. 428/2002 Z.z (najmä práva na informácie o stave spracúvania osobných údajov, opravu osobných údajov, likvidáciu osobných údajov) a spôsobe ich uplatnenia, ako aj o poskytnutí svojich osobných údajov oprávneným osobám.
Potvrdzujem a prehlasujem, že všetky údaje a informácie, ktoré som uviedol/ uviedla vo svojej žiadosti, som poskytol/ poskytla spoločnosti Abbott dobrovoľne a sú pravdivé. Súhlasím
Kliknutim na tlačítko “I agree“ uděluji souhlas se zpracováním mých osobních údajů dle výše uvedených podmínek.
I agree that Abbott managed, processed, recorded and kept my personal information such as name, address, work experience and others. Listed here and only for recruitment purposes and in compliance with the Act. 428/2002 Z.z. Also agrees with the registration and processing of data provided by the authorized Abbott za end and the extent necessary to implement the tender for the job you are applying or for another job within the company Abbott, or for purposes of establishing a pre-contractual relations in accordance with § 7 par. 4 point. b) Act. 428/2002 Z.z..
I also agree to transfer my personal data and is conducted in third countries which do not ensure an adequate level of privacy, while Abbott will be the transfer of personal data comply with all obligations under the Act. 428/2002 Coll, in particular, ensure that personal data are processed solely for the purpose and extent to which they were supplied. Abbott will also ensure that the third party (person) in the target country will process personal data in accordance with the laws of the destination country. List of all third countries to which it may be transferring personal data is made available at the website of Abbott in the "Jobs" (Careers) in the subsection "states the scope" (Global locations)
I am aware of the fact that consent to the processing, management and storage of personal information I can withdraw at any time by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com. In case of withdrawal of consent, any personal information collected by Abbott destroyed.
I understand this declaration and give his consent to the use of personal data that I mentioned / indicated in the above-mentioned purposes. I declare that I am aware of the rights arising from § 20 of Act no. 428/2002 Coll (including the right to information about the status of processing of personal data, correction of personal data, destruction of personal data) and how they are applied as well to provide your personal information to authorized persons.
I acknowledge and declare that all data and information that I have stated / indicated in his application, I give / gave Abbott voluntarily and is true.
I acknowledge that by clicking on “I agree” I allow use of the personal data I submit, for the above purpose.
Izjava o osebnih podatkih
Po svoji najboljši vednosti potrjujem, da so podatki, ki jih bom podal, točni.
Strinjam se, da lahko Abbott uporablja moje osebne podatke, kot so ime, naslov, delovne izkušnje itd., zbrane na tej strani, le za namene zaposlovanja. Če bom s svojo prijavo uspešen, lahko Abbott moje osebne podatke obdela za zaposlitveno datoteko.
Strinjam se s tem, da se moji osebni podatki hranijo za namene drugih prostih delovnih mest, in razumem, da lahko svoj življenjepis umaknem z e-pošto talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Nadalje se strinjam, da lahko, če je to potrebno za zgoraj navedene namene, Abbott pošilja drugim svojim podjetjem po svetu in svetovalcem ter tudi tretjim strankam, ki Abbottu nudijo proizvode in storitve (kot so agencije, ki družbi pomagajo pri preverjanju in razgovorih s potencialnimi zaposlenimi, dobavitelji IT sistemov, ponudniki programov nadomestitev in ugodnosti itd.) in tudi regulativnim organom oziroma kot to narekuje zakonodaja. Abbott zahteva, da tretje stranke, navedene zgoraj, prejete osebne podatke obdelujejo v skladu z namenom ter v mejah, v katerih so bili podatki prvotno zbrani.
Razumem to izjavo in dovoljujem uporabo osebnih podatkov v zgoraj navedene namene.
On the best of my knowledge I certify that the information that I gave is accurate.
I agree that Abbott may use my personal information such as name, address, work experience, etc. is collected at this site for purposes of employment. If I am successful with your application, Abbott can my personal information to process the job file.
I agree with the fact that my personal data kept for purposes other job, and I understand that you can withdraw your resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Furthermore, I agree that if this is necessary for the above purposes, Abbott sent another one of its businesses worldwide and consultants as well as third parties that Abbott offers products and services (such as agencies that help the company review and interviews with potential employees, suppliers of IT systems, service and replacement programs, benefits, etc.) and the regulatory authorities or as dictated by law. Abbott requires that third parties mentioned above, received personal data processed in accordance with the purpose and the extent to which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and allow the use of personal data in the above purposes.
dated 12.05.2015
Please carefully read the below Abbott’s PRIVACY POLICY and Terms and Conditions pertaining to Recruitment.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I have provided in this application is accurate and I understand that Abbott will rely on it to make decisions about my application.
I agree that the Abbott Company {“Abbott”} posting the position that I am applying for may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only in accordance with this privacy policy. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file. If I have provided personal information about third parties such as referees, I confirm that I have their permission to do so.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings subject to and in accordance with local law and local privacy policy.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott affiliates around the world, including to the USA and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law, but that Abbott will ensure that my personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with local law.
Abbott will contractually require that third parties described above will process my personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected in accordance with this privacy policy. Abbott will not otherwise share my personal data unless required by law or regulation.
I understand that in accordance with my local law, I can at any time approach Abbott to apply to exercise my rights of correction, deletion or access to the information held about me by sending an email to talentacquisition@abbott.com. I am aware that if I withdraw my application it will not be further considered by Abbott.
In the event of conflict, the terms of the local policy shall apply. I understand that if I do not agree to these policies and terms I should not submit my application to Abbott.
dated 12.05.2015
Please carefully read the below Abbott’s PRIVACY POLICY and Terms and Conditions pertaining to Recruitment.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I have provided in this application is accurate and I understand that Abbott will rely on it to make decisions about my application.
I agree that the Abbott Company {“Abbott”} posting the position that I am applying for may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, race, gender, disability etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only in accordance with this privacy policy. In particular, I hereby consent to Abbott, or anyone acting on its behalf, conducting background checks on me, including but not limited to: civil record checks; criminal record checks; reference checks; driver’s licence verification checks; qualification checks; and credit checks. I agree and undertake to do all things reasonably necessary in order to enable Abbott or its authorised agents to carry out the abovementioned checks, including but not limited to, providing a copy of my identity document, a copy of my driver’s licence, a fingerprint, the dates and details of the institutions I attended and any information that is relevant to my education, employment and credit history.
Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file. If I have provided personal information about third parties such as referees, I confirm that I have their permission to do so. I agree that should my application be unsuccessful my personal data, including the results of any backgrounds checks that have been conducted in respect of me, may be kept on file for a period of 12 months to be considered for other job openings and other legitimate interests of the Company subject to and in accordance with local law and local privacy policy. I understand and agree that the retention of my information for this time period does not guarantee any employment by Abbott and does not prevent me from submitting a fresh application in response to further job advertisements.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott affiliates around the world, including to the USA and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law, but that Abbott will ensure that my personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with local law.
Abbott will contractually require that third parties described above will process my personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected in accordance with this privacy policy. Abbott will not otherwise share my personal data unless required by law or regulation.
I understand that in accordance with my local law, I can at any time approach Abbott to apply to exercise my rights of correction, deletion or access to the information held about me by sending an email to talentacquisition@abbott.com. I am aware that if I withdraw my application it will not be further considered by Abbott.
I hereby consent to this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and [if applicable] to my local privacy policy.
In the event of conflict, the terms of the local policy shall apply. I understand that if I do not agree to these policies and terms I should not submit my application to Abbott.
Confirmo que toda la información que estoy próximo(a) a facilitar en esta solicitud es correcta. Estoy de acuerdo con que Abbott pueda utilizar mis datos personales como nombre, dirección, historial de empleo y otros, facilitados en este documento, con el único propósito de mi contratación en la compañía.
Estoy de acuerdo con que mis datos personales se mantengan vigentes en el registro de Abbott para ser considerado (en caso que surjan nuevas oportunidades profesionales) y entiendo que puedo retirar mi candidatura en cualquier momento utilizando talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Estoy de acuerdo con que mis datos personales puedan, de ser necesario, ser transferidos a otras afiliadas de Abbott en el mundo, a asesores y/o terceros que les proporcionen productos y/o servicios (agencias de investigación, entrevistadores, proveedores de sistemas de información, proveedores de programas de compensación y beneficios) para los propósitos descritos arriba. Además, Abbott podrá facilitar mis datos personales a autoridades regulatorias u otros, según lo exija la ley. Abbott solicitará a los terceros que reciban mis datos personales que procesen los mismos de acuerdo al propósito para el cual fueron contratados y dentro de los límites bajo los cuales fueron recopilados inicialmente.
Entiendo este enunciado y por medio de esta firma electrónica autorizo el uso de mis datos personales facilitados para los fines descritos arriba.
ABBOTT LABORATORIES, S.A. con domicilio social en la Avenida de Burgos, 91 de Madrid y C.I.F. A-08099681 le informa de la existencia de un fichero de datos de carácter personal cuyo responsable es ABBOTT LABORATORIES, S.A. Mediante la cesión de sus datos personales a ABBOTT LABORATORIES, S.A. usted autoriza el tratamiento y la cesión, en su caso, de sus datos personales.
El tratamiento de estos datos se realiza en cumplimiento de lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y el Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de protección de datos de carácter personal y demás legislación complementaria, otorgándole el derecho a que usted pueda oponerse, acceder, rectificar, y cancelar estos datos a través del propio webmaster o por correo certificado a la Avenida de Burgos, 91 de Madrid a la atención del Dpto. de Recursos Humanos.
Como usuario, declara que los datos personales suministrados, son exactos y completos, y se compromete a actualizarlos conforme sea necesario, de manera que en todo momento respondan con veracidad a su situación actual.
Los datos personales de los usuarios recibirán tratamiento secreto y confidencial por parte de ABBOTT LABORATORIES, S.A., que adoptará a tal efecto las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, habida cuenta del estado de la tecnología. Estos datos podrán ser comunicados por ABBOTT LABORATORIES, S.A. a otras afiliadas del Grupo ABBOTT, a lo que el usuario otorga expresamente su consentimiento.
I confirm that all the information that I am close (a) to provide in this application is correct. I agree with that Abbott may use my personal data such as name, address, employment history, and others provided in this document, with the sole purpose of my employment at the company.
I agree that my personal data be kept current in the register of Abbott to be considered (if the emergence of new career opportunities) and understand that I can withdraw my application at any time by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree that my personal data may, if necessary, be transferred to other affiliates of Abbott in the world, advisers and / or third parties that provide products and / or services (research agencies, interviewers, system suppliers information providers, compensation and benefits programs) for the purposes described above. In addition, Abbott will provide my personal data to regulatory authorities or others as required by law. Abbott asked to third parties receiving my personal data to process them according to the purpose for which they were hired and within the limits under which it was collected initially.
I understand this statement and through this electronic signature authorized the use of my personal data for the purposes described above.
ABBOTT LABORATORIES, Inc. established in the Avenida de Burgos, 91, Madrid and Tax A-08099681 informed of the existence of a file of personal data under the responsibility of Abbott Laboratories, SA Through the transfer of your personal information to Abbott Laboratories, SA you consent to the treatment and disposal, if any, of your personal data.
Treatment of these data is performed in compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which approves the regulation of security measures for automated files containing personal data and other supporting legislation, granting the right to challenge you to access, rectify, and cancel this data through the webmaster himself or by certified mail to the Avenue Burgos, 91 from Madrid to the attention of the Department of Human Resources.
As a user, states that personal data supplied are accurate and complete, and undertakes to update as necessary, so that at all times respond truthfully to his current situation.
The personal data of users will be treated secret and confidential by ABBOTT LABORATORIES, SA, to be adopted to this effect the measures necessary to prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized access, given the state of technology. These data may be provided by Abbott Laboratories, SA other Group affiliates ABBOTT, to which the user explicitly gives its consent.
Jag bekräftar att de uppgifter som jag lämnat i denna ansökan korrekta.
Jag samtycker till att Abbott endast använder mina personuppgifter, såsom namn, adress, arbetshistorik etc. som finns på denna sida i rekryteringssyfte. Om min ansökan leder till anställning kan mina personuppgifter behandlas i min personliga anställningsmapp.
Jag samtycker till att mina personuppgifter sparas för att komma ifråga för andra lediga tjänster och jag är medveten om att jag kan dra tillbaka mitt cv genom att maila talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Jag samtycker dessutom till att mina personuppgifter, om så behövs för ovanstående syften, vidarebefordras till Abbotts kontor runt om i världen, samt till deras rådgivare och tredjepart över hela världen som förser dem med produkter och tjänster (som t.ex. rekryteringsföretag, IT-systemleverantörer, leverantörer av kompensations- och förmånsprogram etc.) samt till myndigheter eller i de fall lagen så kräver. Abbott kräver att de tredje parter som beskrivs ovan behandlar de personuppgifter de får i enlighet med de syften och inom de gränser under vilka uppgifterna ursprungligen samlades in.
Jag förstår och tillåter användning av de personuppgifter som jag skickat in i ovannämna syften.
I confirm that my knowledge is the information I provide in this application is correct.
I agree that Abbott only use my personal information such as name, address, work history, etc. that are on this page for recruitment purposes. If my application leads to employment can be my personal data for my employment folder.
I agree that my personal information is recorded to be considered for other open positions and I am aware that I may withdraw my CV by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I further agree that my personal information, if necessary for the purposes described above, be forwarded to Abbott's offices around the world, and to their advisers and third party worldwide that provide them with products and services (such as recruitment agencies, IT system providers, compensation and benefit programs, etc.) and to the authorities or in case law requires it. Abbott requires that the third parties described above treats the personal information they receive in accordance with the purposes and within the limits under which it was originally collected.
I understand this request and allow the use of the personal information I sent in the above-mentioned purposes.
Stand: 18.11.2015
Umgang mit Ihren Daten im E-Recruiting
Der Schutz Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten ist uns ein besonders wichtiges Anliegen. Daher möchten wir Sie über unsere Datenschutzgrundsätze und Abläufe bei der Bearbeitung und Nutzung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung über das E-Recruiting-Tool bei Abbott informieren. Diese Datenschutzerklärung betrifft Abbott’s Globales Karriereportal www.abbott.com/careers.
Datenerhebung bei der Erstellung einer Online-Bewerbung
In diesem Portal werden Sie gebeten, die für die Bearbeitung Ihrer Bewerbung notwendigen persönlichen Daten zu erfassen. Die uns anvertrauten personenbezogenen Daten werden unter Beachtung der gesetzlichen Datenschutzbedingungen gespeichert und in der Folge von Abbott oder von Abbott beauftragten Dritten bearbeitet und genutzt, soweit dies im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Bewerbung notwendig ist. Vorgängig müssen Sie sich mit der Speicherung, Bearbeitung und Nutzung Ihrer Daten durch Zustimmung zur Datenschutzerklärung (siehe unten) einverstanden erklären. Diese Zustimmung wird im E-Recruiting System protokolliert. Ohne diese Zustimmung kann das E-Recruiting-Tool von Abbott nicht genutzt werden und Sie können sich nicht für eine Stelle bei Abbott bewerben.
Die bekannt gegebenen Daten sind nur für Mitarbeitende von Abbott und mit der Datenbearbeitung beauftragte Dritte zugänglich. Alle sind zur Verschwiegenheit verpflichtet.
Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie auf diesen Webseiten eingeben, werden stets vertraulich und im Einklang mit den schweizerischen Datenschutzbestimmungen, insbesondere dem Eidgenössischen Datenschutzgesetz, behandelt. Erhebungen bzw. Übermittlungen personenbezogener Daten an staatliche Einrichtungen und Behörden erfolgen ausschliesslich im Rahmen der geltenden Gesetze.
Erfasste personenbezogene Daten
Personenbezogen sind diejenigen Daten, die Angaben über persönliche und sachliche Verhältnisse einer bestimmten oder bestimmbaren Person enthalten. Im Einzelnen werden im Rahmen der Registrierung insbesondere folgende Angaben abgefragt und in unserer Datenbank gespeichert:
Erstellung eines Profils / Verwendungszwecke Ihrer Bewerberdaten
Um eine Bewerbung elektronisch durchzuführen, ist das Anlegen eines persönlichen Profils erforderlich. Dies erfordert die Bekanntgabe von personenbezogenen Daten. Sie erhalten Zugangsdaten, mit welchen Sie jederzeit auf Ihr Profil greifen und es bearbeiten können.
Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden ausschließlich zu Bewerbungszwecken bearbeitet und genutzt. Mit der Freischaltung Ihres Profils erklären Sie sich im Einzelnen mit folgenden Nutzungen Ihrer Bewerberdaten einverstanden:
Wenn Sie Ihr Profil über einen Zeitraum von 6 Monaten nicht angepasst haben, kann Abbott per Mail eine Aktualisierung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten von Ihnen erbitten. Führen Sie diese in der angegebenen Frist nicht aus, wird Ihr Profil mit sämtlichen enthaltenen Daten 12 Monate nach der letzten Aktualisierung gelöscht.
Bewerbungen von Personen, die jünger als 18 Jahre alt sind
Abbott ist der Schutz und die Privatsphäre von Jugendlichen besonders wichtig. Wir erheben, bearbeiten und nutzen daher keine Informationen von Personen, von denen uns bekannt ist, dass sie jünger als 18 Jahre alt sind, ohne dass wir die Zustimmung eines gesetzlichen Vertreters eingeholt haben. Gesetzliche Vertreter können auf Anfrage die uns vorliegenden Informationen einsehen und verlangen, dass diese berichtigt oder gelöscht werden.
Falls Sie jünger als 18 Jahre sind, erklären Sie mit der Zustimmung zur Registrierung, dass Sie für diese Bewerbung über die Zustimmung der Eltern bzw. des Erziehungsberechtigten verfügen und ein entsprechendes Einverständnis vorliegt. Für den Schutz der Privatsphäre ihrer Kinder sind die Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten verantwortlich.
Korrektheit der Daten - Persönliche Erklärung des Bewerbers
Ich versichere, dass meine Angaben aktuell sind und der Wahrheit entsprechen. Ich weiss, dass es in meiner alleinigen Verantwortung liegt, die von mir im System eingegebenen Daten aktuell zu halten.
Zugriffs- und Berichtigungsrecht / Rückzug der Bewerbung /Löschung Ihrer Daten
Sie haben das Recht, alle auf Ihre Person bezogenen Daten, die bei uns gespeichert sind, zu überprüfen und zu berichtigen, wenn sie nicht mehr aktuell oder unrichtig sind. Sie können entsprechend Ihr Bewerberprofil jederzeit einsehen und die gespeicherten Daten verändern, sperren, freigeben oder löschen.
Falls Sie kein Interesse mehr an einer Tätigkeit bei uns haben, können Sie sich jederzeit email bewerbung.ch@abbott.com.
Automatische Löschung der Daten
Falls Sie kein Interesse mehr an einer Tätigkeit bei uns haben, können Sie sich jederzeit bewerbung.ch@abbott.com.
Bei Abbott werden technische und organisatorische Sicherheitsmaßnahmen eingesetzt, um Ihre zur Verfügung gestellten Daten vor zufälliger oder vorsätzlicher Manipulation, Verlust, Zerstörung oder Zugriff durch unberechtigte Personen zu schützen.
Im Falle der Erhebung und Bearbeitung personenbezogener Daten werden die Informationen in verschlüsselter Form übertragen, um einem Missbrauch der Daten durch Dritte vorzubeugen. Unsere Sicherungsmaßnahmen werden entsprechend der technologischen Entwicklung fortlaufend überarbeitet.
Einsatz von Cookies
Bei Cookies handelt es sich um kleine Textdateien, die lokal im Zwischenspeicher Ihres Internet-Browsers gespeichert werden. Cookies vereinfachen Ihnen die Nutzung der von Ihnen bereits besuchten Websites. Die meisten Browser sind so eingestellt, dass sie Cookies automatisch zulassen. Sie können jedoch jederzeit die Einstellungen Ihres Browsers ändern, so dass das Speichern von Cookies deaktiviert wird oder der Browser Sie über die Platzierung von Cookies informiert.
Abgabe Ihrer persönlichen Datenschutzerklärung
Sobald Sie auf das Feld „Ja, ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und akzeptiere sie.“ klicken und den Haken setzen, erklären Sie sich mit dieser Datenschutzerklärung einverstanden. Gleichzeitig bestätigen Sie Ihre oben abgegebene „Persönliche Erklärung des Bewerbers“ und geben Ihr Einverständnis zur Speicherung und Nutzung Ihrer uns zur Verfügung gestellten personenbezogenen Daten. Bitte nutzen Sie ausschließlich private Adressen für die Kontaktaufnahme. Abbott wird Informationen nur an private Adressen senden.
Bei technischen Problemen, Fragen oder Anregungen zum Kandidatenprofil, zu Stellenangeboten oder zum Datenschutz wenden Sie sich bitte an: bewerbung.ch@abbott.com
Datenschutzbeauftragte(r) von Abbott: dataprotection.ch@abbott.com
Änderung der Datenschutzbestimmungen
Durch die ständige Weiterentwicklung der Anwendung E-Recruiting ist dadurch bedingt auch eine Anpassung dieser Datenschutzerklärung von Zeit zu Zeit erforderlich. Wir behalten uns vor, jederzeit entsprechende Änderungen vorzunehmen.
I certify that the following information has been entered in good faith and are correct.
I allow Abbott to use my personal data such as name, address, work experience, which can be found on this site, only for employment purposes. Should my application be successful, my personal information for the personnel file will be passed on.
I consent that my personal data may be stored for more job offers. Can I withdraw my application at any time by emailing bewerbung.ch@abbott.com.
I further authorize that my personal data, if necessary for the above purpose, the world Abbott branches and their advisers or third persons who supply the company with products or offer their services (such as agencies that are in the search and selection of candidates for side stand; IT system suppliers, people that supply us with payroll and benefit programs, etc.) must be forwarded. Another regulatory authorities may use the data or where required by law. Abbott calls that use the above mentioned third parties that received personal data in accordance with the stated purpose and the data are restricted to the data, which were originally registered.
I understand the statement and give permission to use the information to be transmitted for the above purpose.
Bu iş başvurusu için sağlamış olduğum bilgilerin, bilgim dahilinde ve doğru olduğunu onaylıyorum.
Adım, adresim, iş geçmişim vs. gibi kişisel bilgilerimin Abbott tarafından bu sitede yalnızca işe alım amacıyla kullanılmasını onaylıyorum. Başvurumun kabul edilmesi halinde, kişisel bilgilerim çalışan dosyasının oluşturulmasında kullanılabilir.
Kişisel bilgilerimin diğer iş fırsatları için incelenmesi için yetkilendirilirim ve e-postayla özgeçmişimi kaldırabileceğimi biliyorum talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Kişisel bilgilerimin, yukarıdaki amaçlar doğrultusunda gerekli olduğu takdirde, Abbott’un dünyanın farklı yerlerinde faaliyet gösteren şirketlerine, bu şirketlerin danışmanlarına ve bu şirketlere ürün ve hizmet veren dünyanın farklı bölgelerindeki diğer üçüncü taraflara, (personel adaylarını inceleme ve bu adaylarla görüşmeler yapmamız konusunda bize yardımcı olan kurumlar, BT sistemi tedarikçileri, ücret ve yan haklar programı tedarikçileri gibi), ayrıca yasal kurumlara ve yasanın gerektirdiği durumlarda iletilebileceğini de onaylıyorum. Abbott, yukarıda tanımlanan üçüncü tarafların, alınan kişisel bilgileri, asıl toplanış amacı doğrultusunda ve sınırları çerçevesinde kullanmasını gerekli tutacaktır.
Bu beyanatı anlıyorum ve girdiğim kişisel bilgilerin yukarıdaki amaçlarla kullanılmasına izin veriyorum.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I am about to enter in this application is accurate.
I agree Abbott may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott around the world, and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott will require that third parties described above will process the receiving personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and give permission to use the personal data I submit for the above purposes.
Я настоящим подтверждаю, что я должным образом уведомлен о моих правах, определенных Законом Украины «О защите персональных данных», и о цели сбора моих персональных данных и включение их в базу персональных данных.
Я подтверждаю, что, насколько мне известно, информация, предоставленная мной в данном заявлении, является точной.
Я разрешаю компании Abbott использовать мои личные данные, такие как имя, адрес, профессиональная биография и т. д., собранные на этом сайте, только в целях поиска работы. Если мое заявление будет успешно принято, мои личные данные могут быть обработаны и сохранены в моем файле занятости.
Я разрешаю хранить мои личные данные для их рассмотрения в случае появления других вакансий и понимаю, что могу снять свое резюме по электронной почте talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Я также разрешаю при необходимости передавать мои личные данные в указанных выше целях в другие отделения компании Abbott по всему миру, консультантам компании Abbott и другим, в том числе иностранным, третьим сторонам, предоставляющим компании Abbott продукты и услуги (включая агентства, проводящие отбор кадров и собеседования с кандидатами, поставщиков ИТ-систем, поставщиков программ компенсации и социальной защиты и т. д.), а также контролирующим органам или по требованию законодательством. Компания Abbott потребует, чтобы третьи стороны, описанные выше, обрабатывали полученные личные данные в соответствии с целью и ограничениями, которые были указаны при первоначальном сборе.
Я понимаю смысл данного положения и разрешаю использовать передаваемые мной личные данные в указанных выше целях.
Herewith I confirm that I am informed about my rights designated by Ukrainian law “On personal data protection” and I understand the purpose of my personal data collecting is an inclusion it to the personal database.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I am about to enter in this application is accurate.
I agree Abbott may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott around the world, and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott will require that third parties described above will process the receiving personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and give permission to use the personal data I submit for the above purposes.
dated 12.06.2015
Please carefully read the below Abbott’s PRIVACY POLICY and Terms and Conditions pertaining to Recruitment.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I have provided in this application is accurate and I understand that Abbott will rely on it to make decisions about my application.
I agree that the Abbott Company {“Abbott”} posting the position that I am applying for may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only in accordance with this privacy policy. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file. If I have provided personal information about third parties such as referees, I confirm that I have their permission to do so.
I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings subject to and in accordance with local law and local privacy policy.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott affiliates around the world, including to the USA and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law or order of court, but that Abbott will ensure that my personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with local law.
Abbott will contractually require that third parties described above will process my personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected in accordance with this privacy policy. Abbott will not otherwise share my personal data unless required by law or regulation.
I understand that in accordance with my local law, I can at any time approach Abbott to apply to exercise my rights of correction, deletion or access to the information held about me by sending an email to talentacquisition@abbott.com. I am aware that if I withdraw my application it will not be further considered by Abbott.
I hereby consent to this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and [if applicable] to my local privacy policy.
In the event of conflict, the terms of the local policy shall apply. I understand that if I do not agree to these policies and terms I should not submit my application to Abbott.
Confirmo que toda la información que estoy próximo(a) a facilitar en esta solicitud ha sido suministrada voluntariamente y es correcta. Que conozco plenamente el prósito y uso para el cual ha sido solicitada y estoy de acuerdo con que Abbott en Venezuela o a traves de su casa matriz y/o sus empresas filiales asi como terceros contratados por Abbott, puedan utilizar mis datos personales como nombre, dirección, historial de empleo y otros, facilitados en este documento, con el único propósito de gestionar mi posible contratación en la compañía.
Estoy de acuerdo igualmente que aun cuando no sea seleccionado para una posición, Abbott podrá mantener mi información personal en su base de datos y actualizarla según la información que yo suministre, para ser considerado (en caso que surjan nuevas oportunidades profesionales) y entiendo que puedo solicitar la eliminación de mis datos de la base de datos y/o retirar mi candidatura en cualquier momento enviando un correo electrónico a talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Estoy de acuerdo con que mis datos personales puedan, de ser necesario, ser transferidos a otras afiliadas de Abbott en el mundo, a asesores y/o terceros que les proporcionen productos y/o servicios (agencias de investigación, entrevistadores, proveedores de sistemas de información, proveedores de programas de compensación y beneficios) para los propósitos descritos arriba. Además, Abbott podrá facilitar mis datos personales a autoridades regulatorias u otros, según lo exija la ley. Abbott solicitará a los terceros que reciban mis datos personales que procesen los mismos de acuerdo al propósito para el cual fueron contratados y dentro de los límites bajo los cuales fueron recopilados inicialmente.
Entiendo este enunciado y por medio de esta firma electrónica autorizo el uso de mis datos personales facilitados para los fines descritos arriba.
Я подтверждаю, что, насколько мне известно, информация, предоставленная мной в данном заявлении, является достоверной.
Я разрешаю компании Abbott, а также ее аффилированным лицам, входящим в группу компаний Abbott (далее – Компания) использовать (включая сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, использование, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, передачу, обезличивание, блокирование, удаление или уничтожение) мои персональные данные, такие как фамилия, имя, отчество, пол, адрес проживания, дата рождения, фотография, профессиональная биография, номер телефона, адрес электронной почты, сведения об образовании, собранные на этом сайте, исключительно в целях содействия в трудоустройстве.
Если мое заявление будет успешно принято, мои персональные данные могут быть обработаны и сохранены Компанией в моем файле занятости.
Я разрешаю Компании хранить мои персональные данные для рассмотрения моей кандидатуры и содействия в трудоустройстве в случае появления других вакансий и понимаю, что в любое время могу отозвать мое согласие на обработку персональных данных с помощью функции отзыва резюме на данном веб-сайте.
Я также разрешаю при необходимости передавать мои персональные данные в указанных выше целях в аффилированные компании Abbott по всему миру, включая трансграничную передачу в страны не обеспечивающие адекватную защиту персональных данных, привлеченным консультантам Компании и другим, в том числе иностранным, третьим сторонам, предоставляющим компании Abbott продукты и услуги (включая агентства, проводящие отбор кадров и собеседования с кандидатами, поставщиков ИТ-систем, поставщиков программ компенсации и социальной защиты и т. д.), а также контролирующим органам в соответствии с требованиями применимого законодательства. Компания гарантирует, что третьи лица, указанные выше, обрабатывают полученные персональные данные в соответствии с целью и ограничениями, которые были указаны при первоначальном сборе.
Я понимаю, что настоящее согласие действует бессрочно и может быть отозвано мною как в части, так и полностью путем направления уведомления об отзыве на корпоративный электронный адрес Abbott: TA.Russia@abbott,com
Я понимаю смысл данного положения и разрешаю использовать передаваемые мной персональные данные в указанных выше целях.
I certify that, to my knowledge, the information provided by me in this application is accurate.
I authorize Abbott Company and its affiliated companies of Abbott group of companies ( hereinafter – Company) to use (including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, refinement (updating, change), recovery, transfer, anonymization, blocking, removal or destruction), my personal data such as name, gender, date of birth, photo, address, professional biography, education, phone number, e-mail, collected on this site, only to find work. If my application is successfully made, my personal data can be processed and stored in my file of employment.
I agree to keep my personal information for consideration in the case of other vacancies, and understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I also authorize, if necessary to transfer my personal data for the above purposes to other offices of Abbott's worldwide consultants, Abbott and others, including foreigners, including countries which do not provide adequate protection of personal data, to third parties that provide Abbott's products and services (including the agency conducting the selection of personnel interviews with candidates, suppliers of IT systems, software providers compensation and Social Security, etc.) as well as regulatory authorities or at the request of the legislation. Company also confirms that third parties, as described above, obtained personal data processed in accordance with the purpose and limitations that were identified during the initial assembly.
I understand the meaning of this provision and allow me to use the personal data transmitted in the above order.
Согласие на использование личных данных
Я настоящим подтверждаю, что я должным образом уведомлен о моих правах, определенных Законодательством, и о цели сбора моих персональных данных и включение их в базу персональных данных.
Я подтверждаю, что, насколько мне известно, информация, предоставленная мной в данном заявлении, является точной.
Я разрешаю компании Abbott использовать мои личные данные, такие как имя, адрес, профессиональная биография и т. д., собранные на этом сайте, только в целях поиска работы. Если мое заявление будет успешно принято, мои личные данные могут быть обработаны и сохранены в моем файле занятости.
Я разрешаю хранить личные данные для рассмотрения в случае других вакансий и понимаю, что я могу снять свое резюме, отправив по электронной почте talentacquisition@abbott.com.
Я также разрешаю при необходимости передавать мои личные данные в указанных выше целях в другие отделения компании Abbott по всему миру, консультантам компании Abbott и другим, в том числе иностранным, третьим сторонам, предоставляющим компании Abbott продукты и услуги (включая агентства, проводящие отбор кадров и собеседования с кандидатами, поставщиков ИТ-систем, поставщиков программ компенсации и социальной защиты и т. д.), а также контролирующим органам или по требованию законодательством. Компания Abbott потребует, чтобы третьи стороны, описанные выше, обрабатывали полученные личные данные в соответствии с целью и ограничениями, которые были указаны при первоначальном сборе.
Я понимаю смысл данного положения и разрешаю использовать передаваемые мной личные данные в указанных выше целях.
Herewith I confirm that I am informed about my rights designated by Legislation and I understand the purpose of my personal data collecting is an inclusion it to the personal database.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information which I am about to enter in this application is accurate.
I agree Abbott may use my personal data, such as name, address, work history, etc. collected on this site for recruitment purposes only. Should my application be successful, my personal data may be processed for my employment file.v I agree that my personal data may be kept on file to be considered for other job openings, and I understand that I may withdraw my resume by emailing talentacquisition@abbott.com.
I agree further that my personal data may, if necessary for the above purposes, be transferred to Abbott around the world, and to their advisors, and other third parties worldwide which provide them with products and services (such as agencies assisting us in screening and interviewing prospective employees, IT system suppliers, compensation and benefit program providers, etc.) as well as to regulatory authorities or as required by law. Abbott will require that third parties described above will process the receiving personal data in accordance with the purpose and within the limits under which the data were originally collected.
I understand this statement and give permission to use the personal data I submit for the above purposes.
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