Partnering with WeightWatchers to Improve Diabetes Care

FreeStyle Libre 2 now connects with the WW Diabetes-Tailored Plan.

Partnering with WeightWatchers to Improve Diabetes Care

DIABETES CARE|Oct. 24, 2023

Quick question: What is the most important thing in the world to you?

Chances are good that it involves a vital connection.

Maybe it’s the connection you feel with family and community, or with your goals and aspirations, or your health and happiness.

We appreciate that need and want to assist you in achieving it. That’s why we have teamed up with WeightWatchers (WW) on a connected app to help people living with diabetes better understand how food and activity impact their glucose levels to help them make healthy choices. Through this partnership, glucose data1,2.3  from Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre®2, a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system syncs within the WW app 4, where users will be able to see their data while being guided by the WW Diabetes-Tailored Plan (Plan) .

Connecting Technology and Health

Helping meld Abbott’s innovative CGM technology with WW’s long history of science-based weight loss plans is Dr. Michelle Cardel, a registered dietician and WeightWatchers Head of Clinical Research and Nutrition who understands the complexities involved in managing diabetes from her experience being a clinician for almost two decades.

“Managing diabetes takes around-the-clock attention, which can be stressful for someone without the right support. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for keeping glucose levels under control, and is especially important for those living with Type 2 diabetes who manage their condition through food and activity.”

Using guidelines from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the International Diabetes Federation, the WW Diabetes-Tailored Plan is designed to create sustainable weight-loss and lower hemoglobin A1c, lessening the risk of diabetes complications.

Dr. Cardel understands the importance of connecting the science and humanity of diabetes management. “A lot of weight-loss plans can be discouraging because they focus on eliminating or restricting food. We’ve found success with more realistic options, that make it easier to chart a sustainable path forward.”

Connecting Data and Behavior

That path is forged -- in part – by the FreeStyle Libre 2 system’s data connection with the WW’s app. Users can see how food, changes in their weight, daily movement and sleep can impact glucose levels and Time-in-Range (the amount of time those with diabetes spend in the recommended glucose target range).

Users can even note, within the app, the foods or activities that may have contributed to them being out of range, adding to an ongoing understanding of their condition so they can make healthy changes in the future.

“People with diabetes have a lot on their minds so we’ve designed the program to be incredibly easy to use,” said Cardel. “The FreeStyle Libre 2 system data, along with the WW Diabetes-Tailored Plan, helps users eat healthier, drink more water and get active – all behaviors that help manage glucose levels.”

Connecting Present and Future

Users wondering what to eat have access to thousands of recipes with more being added all the time, as well as a ZeroPoint foods list – tailored on guidance from the ADA.

“ZeroPoint foods are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, making them a great foundation for a healthy eating plan,” said Cardel.

“Foods that are higher in carbs – like fruit, whole grains and dairy – aren’t on the ZeroPoints list, so they are tracked using the Points Budget in the app. The key is the Plan allows users to enjoy many different kinds of food while built to guide one away from added sugar and saturated fats and toward fiber, protein and healthy fats.”

Also, the members-only ‘Living with Diabetes’ digital community makes it easy to connect with supportive friends who truly understand the good news, as well as the challenges, they may share.

Living with diabetes doesn’t have to be difficult and a bright future is ahead with this connected experience.

 “Our connected app – and partnership with Abbott -- can make living with diabetes easier. It helps people work toward their goals by forming good habits and without giving up their favorite foods,” said Cardel.

Connecting people with technology to lead their best lives.

A pretty good answer…

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1 The FreeStyle Libre 2 app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please see the FreeStyle Libre website for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of the FreeStyle Libre 2 app requires registration with LibreView. 
2 The WW app can capture data from the sensor when it is within close proximity of the sensor. The proximity and orientation of the antenna in phones varies and the phone will have to be moved around to find the best position for scanning the sensor. 
3 The user's device must have internet connectivity for glucose data to be shared with the WW app.
4 The WW and FreeStyle Libre 2, FreeStyle Libre 14 day connected experience is compatible with certain mobile operating systems. Please check the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for more information about WW app operating system requirements. 


FreeStyle Libre 2

Failure to use FreeStyle Libre 14 day system as instructed in labeling may result in missing a severe low or high glucose event and/or making a treatment decision, resulting in injury. If readings do not match symptoms or expectations, use a fingerstick value from a blood glucose meter for treatment decisions. Seek medical attention when appropriate or contact Abbott at 855-632-8658 or for safety info.


