If you've been told that you're a candidate for heart surgery, there are surely several questions swirling through your mind: What will life be like after surgery? How will I manage my recovery?
Keeping in mind that everyone's recovery is unique, here are answers to some common questions about heart surgery aftercare.
How Long Is the Recovery Time?
Your expected recovery time depends on the type of surgery you have and your general health. While your surgeon will give you the best estimate of how long your recovery will take, there are some general guidelines.
Open-heart surgeries usually require a hospital stay of four to five days. Once you're released from the hospital, it usually takes six to eight weeks for your breastbone and chest muscles to heal as you return, gradually, to a normal daily routine.
Meanwhile, less invasive procedures typically performed using a catheter inserted from the groin — such as stent placement for a block heart artery or cardiac ablation, where tissue that's attributed to abnormal heart rhythms is scarred or removed — usually only require an overnight hospital stay. At-home recovery for these transcatheter procedures will typically take up to a month.
Keep in mind that any unforeseen complications will extend your recovery time.
How Will My Heart Condition Be Monitored After Surgery?
Your doctors and nurses will watch you closely during and after your surgery, and they'll give you instructions to follow to help you on your road to recovery. Some of these instructions will help you and your healthcare provider monitor your heart condition.
How Will I Take Care of Myself at Home?
Your medical team will provide you with specific self-care instructions to follow at home. During the first week or two, you should have a caregiver help you with your initial aftercare. This can be a family member, friend or home health aide.
Heart surgery aftercare at home will include:
What Can I Do to Ease Back into My Daily Routine?
You'll likely be anxious to get back to your daily routine after heart surgery, but you must allow your body to heal properly. Overdoing it could slow your recovery. Here’s what you can do to ease back into your routine:
Even though it's your heart that's undergoing the surgery, your entire body will go through a lot during this process, too. You'll need time to recover and regain your strength, but ultimately you should feel better than you were prior to surgery. By taking your recovery one day at a time, you'll heal faster and feel better before you know it.
This story has been updated and was originally published May 7, 2019.
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