More Than a Gut Feeling: The Role of the Microbiome

Rachael Buck, PhD, an Abbott scientist specializing in immunology and gut health, explains how the gut microbiome plays a critical role in lifelong health.

More Than a Gut Feeling: The Role of the Microbiome

Products and Innovation|July 12, 2017

Most people – and even some doctors – are unaware of the critical role the microbiome plays in serving as a foundation for lifelong health. For example, did you know:

  1. The microbiome begins to develop at the moment you are born, and by the time you reach adolescence, you will have a set of more than 100 trillion microorganisms, living in or on your body.
  2. Each person has a unique set of microbes – as a result of where and how you are born, your genes, gender and age, diet and personal hygiene, and even your life experiences.
  3. Your microbiome can affect nearly every aspect of your life: mood, stress, energy, sleep, skin, the immune system, and so much more.
  4. The gut microbiome can be altered – for better or worse – by the foods we eat, the medicines we take, the amount of sleep we have, and even the environments we live and work in.
  5. Abbott has been researching the infant microbiome for decades, and through our breakthrough research on the special prebiotic 2'-FL HMO, we discovered HMOs play an important role in feeding the good bacteria in baby's gut and supporting the development of baby's digestive and immune system.

Rachael Buck, PhD, an Abbott scientist specializing in immunology and gut health, recently weighed in on this topic – explaining what everyone should know about the infant microbiome on The Doctor Weighs In, and on The Doctor's Channel. Read about it here, and watch the video, here.  

To learn more about the microbiome, how it changes at every age, what parents can do to help build a healthy microbiome for their children, and about the special prebiotic 2’-FL HMO that helps to build gut health in babies, please read on: 
